

Copy Accelerator LIVE
What People Are Saying About Copy Accelerator LIVE

In under two weeks I already learned a LOT from you guys

“Here are some quick wins:

➤ ad angles helped me write way faster. Now I just open a google doc with all those angles (controversial, story, proof, etc…) and write at least one ad for angle. One of this controversial ones is doing really well for us.

➤ RMBC. This is game changer. I changed my entire copy process because of that. I already looked for mechanisms but hadn’t thought before about mechanism of the problem. This changes everything. I looked back and realized that my best promos had one and my not so good promos hadn’t. Now I can engineer that into each promo I write.

➤ Research. Watching Stefan create copy made me realize again how important the research part is. Every time I have trouble writing copy is because I haven’t researched enough. Now I implemented a “15 page research rule”. No promo gets written in our company without at least 15 pages of research before.

➤ Upsells. Justin’s rule of “not launching a product without thinking about a natural good upsell first” changed how we approached front end.

And lots more stuff…

It’s just a matter of time into leanings such as this gives us huge returns.

Thanks guys!”

Max Rivera Peters


“Hihi everyone! Great to be here and virtually meet everyone.

I’m Alvin from Singapore. I’m the CEO of Truegenerics and we run our own supplement and beauty offers in the US. Always excited about copy, AOV, LTV, optimization and scaling talk.

I’ve missed the 2 previous CA meets due to family commitments and looking forward to attending this virtual one.

Haven’t been attending the recent CA calls as it’s 1am my time and I had a 2nd addition to the family just 7 months ago. Here’s my son Elias all excited about this CA meetup too.

Talk to you all soon!“

Alvin Huang

CEO of Truegenerics

“Hey hey CA fam!!!

This is Areeba, from Pakistan. I’m currently working as the head copywriter for a 7-figure business coach.

Besides that, I’m becoming a doctor and plan on transitioning into offer owner once I complete my degree.

Super stoked to network with all of you and learn tons of amazing stuff from the virtual event!”

Areeba Ahmed


“Hi there!!

My name is April, 27, newly-wed, and based in the Philippines.

I write sales copy for health and supplement offers. I do my best work writing TSL, VSL, advertorials, and email lifts.

I’m excited for the upcoming CA Live event.

I promise to be thereeeee!!!

See you.”

April Alen Abion - Barlizo


“Namaste from India. Abi here!

First of all, you guys are really awesome.

Second, it still feels like a dream that I’ll be attending my first ever Copy Accelerator LIVE event this year. Just four months ago, I was thinking, “Geez, I’ll be lucky if I am able to attend this event in 2021.” Thank you Blake Crothers for approving my application and allowing me to have a rare chance to be a part of this rare, and caring family.

Third, I’m an RMBC-trained copywriter with experience both in the financial and the health niche. Have written for a few heavyweights in the industry like – Agora, RagingBull and Truegenerics.

Just a few months ago, the one and only Stefan Georgi chose me as one of his top 9 copywriters for a dream project with a client Alitura Naturals. Thanks to RMBC, I was able to finish the entire sales letter in 15 days time. It’s MASSIVE achievement for me especially when I’ve never written one before.

The only two things I want to do during this entire event is to learn as much as I can from all of you and see where I can help anyone in any way. No other expectations at all!

On a side note, I don’t drink or smoke. I don’t even take tea or coffee. Yeah, I am very boring but I live a really simple life. That’s who I am. I love drinking water a lot btw.

I eat little and have been doing meditation and pranayama for the last 7 years. On two occasions, I didn’t say a word for 2 and a half days simply because I got bored hearing my own voice.

So that’s about me

Looking forward to e-see you amazing folks soon.

Till then, keep on meditating. It helps!!”

Avinash Singh


“My favorite mug prettaaaaaaaaay much says it all about the upcoming virtual copy-up…

Can’t wait to meet y’all and look forward to cramming my brain full of all the juicy goods!

My name is Brad and I love Michael Bolton and long walks on the beach…

—oh wait, wrong group!

No really, I’m just a regular dude just tryin’ to have fun, make a few bucks, and keep a step ahead of law.

Would love to connect with as many as possible so feel free to hit me up….”

Brad Davis


“What’s going on all?

I’m Cody. I mostly write long-form copy-sales letters and webinar scripts-but dabble in email and ad copy. Most of my experience is working with coaching offers, but a lot of e-comm over the years too.

This will be my first CA event and I’m super excited to learn from the best. And even though it’s virtual…I’m itching to get back to the normalcy of connecting people.

Have already gotten a ton of value from honorary CA Lite member status, can’t wait to take it up a notch.

Also am nearing a place where I’m ready to launch my own offer…so while I’ll be absorbing the event like a sponge, I’m also using it as the kick in the a$$ needed to make it happen.”

Cody Griffin


If you love cakes, read this…

“I used to think you can’t have your cake and it eat it too,

But that all changed 5 years ago when I was introduced to copywriting.

I instantly knew I wanted a slice of the cake, although many people told me I was nutty as a fruitcake for leaving my legal career behind.

It wasn’t a cakewalk at first, but I’ve met some great people along the way that helped me turm my passion for economics and politics into offers that sell like hotcakes, especially in the conservative niche.

I am happy to meet you all, and I am certain that Copy Accelerator 2020 will be the icing on the cake!

My great team from Bucharest, Romania, gave me the awesome cake you see below! They are great people, some of the best!

And it was a great cake… I’ve heard many people say wonderful things about it!”

Dan Mihai


“Hi all! I’m John a direct response copywriter from New Zealand (the CA event is going to start 3am my time haha). I primarily focus on long form sales letters in the health space.

I’ve experienced some massive growth since joining Copy Accelerator… Which makes me super excited for this event.

I’m looking forward to connecting with you guys and seeing everyone succeed and get huge value from this event!”

John Choi


“Hey CA Live Crew!

Excited to join again for the next CA Live from my humble abode outside Toronto.

The lineup is crazy and can’t wait to connect with more of you.

I joined CA back at the Vegas event (Gold I thing) and it was the best decision for myself and my career.

Before joining I already worked with some amazing clients and had some notable successes, but being a part of this group has brought shit to another level.

Can’t wait to connect with more of you.

On a personal note, I live just outside Toronto with my family…

You’ll find me taking long rides with the top off my Jeep…

And no matter what the local Mom’s say…

It definitely was NOT a mid-life crisis purchase.

But I’ll admit…


And I don’t care.

The rubber roaring and turbo squealing when I roll up my suburban street and hop an unpaved 5-inch curb without giving it a second thought… that’s the shit I live for.

Oh. And I get it dirty, too.

It’s just one of the perks of being able to really control your lifestyle thanks to the freedom created by having an in-demand skillset.

I came into CA with a wide range of experience, working with tons of different clients.

And there are others who came with absolute no idea this world existed just 6 months ago.

The one thing I’d say for anyone attending for the first time:

You belong here.

And if you commit yourself, this is a community (virtually now) where you can sort of “skip the line” when it comes to knowing what’s working online in real-time.

Feel free to connect with me here — but know that I mostly share memes I make while watching Netflix (like this one). Tell me I’m wrong. So if you’re into sort of thing, I’m your man.”

Darren Hanser


“Hey CA!

This is me and Basil. And we’re super excited to meet everyone!

I’ve actually been trying to teach him copy, so he’s ready for the event. But all he wants to do is nap.

So while I can’t promise Basil will be the next up and coming copywriter producing home runs one after the other (wouldn’t that be something lol)…

I’m at least hoping to learn a lot and meet some awesome peeps at the event (the quality of people attending still blows my mind)

Actually quick shoutout to Michael Rochin, your journey has been a huge source of inspiration to me… and your heart gold forever appreciated. Crazy to think that it all started with just 1 decision to come to this event…

I originally just bought a single ticket. But after taking one look at the killer trainings on the membership site, and knew immediately it was game over. I upgraded to Lite shortly after.

So can’t wait to get rocking. As fas as communities go, this is the best one out there I’ve ever seen, and it honestly makes me very excited to be part of it and for the future to come!

Cheers everyone and see you soon.”

Jonathan Fisher


“This is me and my crew!

Left my 9 to 5 last month to take on copy fulltime!

Live in Arizona but we’re up in Northern Cali for the summer…

I’ve been writing copy for almost two years and have an offer I launched in late May…

Joined CA LITE, and stoked to meet you all!

Will be attending the Watch Party in Oregon with all the Northwest peeps!”

Jonathan Gaytan


“I’m Justin and have been a CA Lite member for a few months now. Best decision ever.

For the past 10 years, I’ve been an affiliate/media buyer focusing in the nutra space. Honestly, barely made anything the majority of those 10 years.

Now, thanks to all the encouragement and info I’ve learned from Copy Accelerator , I’m in the process of launching my own blood sugar supplement. Almost all the pieces are there… just gotta get over a few humps haha.

Looking forward to learning from you all! And if you have any questions about the affiliate space or media buying, fee free to reach out.

P.S really looking forward to the wine room lol.”

Justin Lucas

Media Buyer

“The 3 titles I hold dearest to my heart are Christian, husband, and daddy.

I’m pretty big coffee snob and I love love love ramen.

Copy accelerator Vegas changed my life and I’m stoked to see what it does this time around.”

Michael Rochin


“I’ve been a copywriter for close to 5 years now, and have worked with clients mainly in the health niche. This will be my 3rd copy accelerator event, and I’m stoked!

I’m happy to see a lot of my former copywriting students in the group, you guys have come far! I’m excited to meet all of you virtually and to nerd out in some direct response. See y’all soon!”

Ning Li


“Feeling grateful.

I know you’ll receive the email, too, new friends – but how incredible that Stefan is in Forbes?!

Feel so fortunate to be here.”

Molly Leavitt


“What can I say, Copy Accelerator changed my life.

And if you’re new here…

I promise, it will change your life too.

I currently live on the Central Coast in California, but soon God willing we’ll be on a year long adventure around the world.

I’m in the process of making the transition from copywriting to offer owner and hope to make the full transition by years end.

Can’t wait for the event and I look forward to getting to know all of the new members and reconnecting with everyone else.”

Randall Pruitt


“I’ve been in the CA mastermind since the Vegas event. As a freelance copywriter, it’s changed my life. Couldn’t be happier about taking the leap.

Currently living in Ogden, UT and I try to snowboard and mountain bike as much as possible. I’m married and we have twin 3-year-old, which is crazy but fun. We also just got a puppy.

I curse a lot and like to drink whiskey. (I blame it on the military lol). But come to find out, people like to deal with real human beings, not robots. So being myself seems to be working out.

Super bummed we can’t do this thing in person, but we’ll make the best of it right? I’ll be heading to Oregon to watch the event with a small group of CA members (thanks Scott Mills for hooking it up!!)

Love getting to know new people, so don’t be shy!

Cheers ya’ll.”

Rob Tidwell

Marketing Consultant

“An underdog ready to show his talent to the world

There I was, endlessly scrolling through pictures looking for a nice introductory photo and then I saw it…

“This is the one. This explains my story!”

Hey all! I’m Sal and my life was very different in that picture a year ago.

My wife at the time was pregnant with my first son and he changed my world. When he was born in January, I realized I couldn’t go back to my old life anymore…nor did I want to ever again.

I knew that I wanted a better life for my family and to set a good example for my son. The absolute last thing I wanted him to see was a father who works a job that kills him on the inside and does nothing to change it. I needed to be able to do something where I could use my empathy and love of writing to help people.

Ever since then I’ve been spending all of my free time working towards being the best copywriter I can be. My freelance copywriting journey is off to a great start so far and I’m looking forward to taking on more clients who have a greater appreciation of quality copy. Soon my dreaded 9-5 will be a thing of the past as I get closer each day to fulfilling my dream.

For those of you who have seen the film ‘Rocky’…

I’ve been trying to climb those steps for a while and finally made it to the top.

Now I’m ready to show my talent to the world and help people!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone at the event!”

Sal Loiacono


“Personally what has been a huge breakthrough for me is finally expanding my network.

Been out of writing copy for the better part of three years and wanted to dive back in. Now I believe I’ve found a killer copy coach and other entrepreneurs to share ideas and stories with. Very grateful indeed.

I own a sporting goods business and resell rare historical documents.

This is the first time I’ve attended any event like this in person or virtually so I’m incredibly excited to meet loads of new people.

Started off originally as a copywriter doing TV and radio ads into call centers. Now I’ve learned traffic on FB and YouTube which helped me launch my ecomm business.

Happy to meet you all and contribute wherever possible..”

Sean Mysel

Business Owner

“This will be my first CA live event – I got way too jealous after Ed bragged about how much fun he had at the other ones.

For the past couple years, I’ve been working in the biz opp niche and high-ticket coaching space.

With some clients, I’ve been pretty much the ‘full-stack’ copywriter – writing everything from ads, to opt-in-pages, to sales pages, to emails, to video scripts – but what I enjoy most right now is writing YT ad creatives for clients (because I get to test my ideas fast and they result in big, quick wins for clients too).

I’m originally from Vancouver, Canada, but right now, I’m in travelling mode. In Vienna, Austria currently and planning on visiting Finland, UK, and then back to Canada to check out Toronto and Montreal.

Excited to meet everyone at the event!.”

Peter Lu


“G’day Groovers! Pauline from Brisbane, Australia here. I’m also known as The Copy Alchemist. This will be my third Copy Accelerator Live, and my second as a full member of Copy Accelerator Gold.

Last year I went to the event in Austin and I was hooked! On Texas BBQ and Copy Accelerator! Each year (pre-Rona)… I’d travel from Australia to the US up to 4 times a year to attend events. And without a doubt, the CA events have been the best I’ve been to.

I’ve been writing copy for around 8 years now and I love it. I started out as a marketer and had to learn copywriting because I couldn’t get a copywriter to write decent copy for me. (I totally looked like a wanker!)

September is a “milestone” month for me. Back in September, 2005 I was discharged from the Army with Major Depression. My brain was so fried I couldn’t read or write, so I was functionally illiterate.

That same day, I didn’t think I had anything to live for… so I tried to drive into a tree to kill myself. But it didn’t work and here I am.

I’m so glad that I failed that day because I decided that if I have to be alive, then I need to make my life count. And I have.

I’ve climbed out of the muck hole of depression to the “A minus” list of copywriting . And now I get paid to read and write. It’s so cool!

How have I done that? By having great mentors. I’m one of Paris Lampropoulos’ current copy cubs (3.5 years and counting). And by hanging around the people I want to be like. Especially people like Justin and Stefan. So that’s why I busted my butt to join CA Gold earlier this year. And I have never regretted.

Although the time difference is brutal, I can’t wait until CA live and look forward to meeting you all.

P.S. Please excuse the photo. I haven’t been out of my house for a while. I’ll try to get a hair cut before next week.”

Pauline Longdon


Helped My Freelance Business Take Off Spectacularly

“A LOT has changed since the last time I introduced myself in a CA Live thread…

My freelance business has taken off spectacularly…

I’ve had an explosion of time to spend as I choose (but mostly with my girlfriend and god-daughter Ruby)…

And I’ve had a chance to really get to know some of the coolest, most interesting people on the planet. Turns out this group is like a magnet for them. (Go figure.)

And it’s all thanks to my decision just a few short months ago to click that “buy” button for a sit-in seat at September’s event.

My hands were shaking as I did it, but I did it anyway. Seriously, I would be miles behind where I am now if I’d not taken the miles behind where I am now if I’d not taken the jump.

CA & CA Lite members, you already know how awesome this event is going to be.

But if you bought a sit-in seat like I did then, I hope you know that you’re in for an amazing experience.

You took the leap, so you at least have faith that’s true. But I’m telling you — the people you’ll meet and the knowledge you’ll gain will be worth more than you can imagine.

And please, take advantage of the time you get with the CA members area and the calls. Just using the gold you find in there can pay for the event before it even starts. If you think I’m kidding, just go find out for yourself.

And take advantage of the network here too! I’m not always the fastest with FB Messages, but I do my best to respond to anyone who is looking for answers or help. You’ll quickly find I’m definitely not alone in that regards.

Anyway, that’s enough about me. I’ll see y’all on the inside, and I can’t wait to see all of y’all at the event.


Eric Panter


I’ve Attended CA Multiple Times

“Always love the events Justin and Stefan put on and happy to attend another one.

I am a Business Development Manager with ClickBank and I am here to make all your wildest dreams come true.”

Kyle Kostechka

Business Development Manager

Got So Much Value From The Event I Joined CA LITE

“Greetings from Austria/Europe!

I’m in the copywriting game for a bit over a year.

4 months after first learning about copywriting I already made more money with it than with anything I’d ever done before.

So I quit university and decided to become a full-time freelancer.

In September 2020, I visited Copy Accelerator Live for the first time, right after the event I joined CA Lite.”

Lisa Scheiblhofer


The CA Family Has Been An Enormous Blessing

“In September 2020, the CA Live event was my bridge out of a liminal space I was in after I stepped out of the only career I had ever known.

I know it was fate because the way the event went down for me is not normal.

I somehow tricked Milai and Brooks into letting me volunteer, which got me a free ticket.

Stefan caught the “Copy Script,” and I was slain. I put money on my credit card that I wasn’t sure how I would pay to join a mastermind for a skill I didn’t have. (The second most out of character thing I have ever done.)

I’m still here, and the CA family has been an enormous blessing in my life. I am not sure what I would be doing if I hadn’t made that bet on myself and found a set of friends, teachers, and mentors.

I showed up in September 2020 and couldn’t even call myself a newbie copywriter. If that is you this year, reach out. I would love to take the journey with you.”

Matt Murphy


Tripled My Monthly Income The Very Next Month!

“I was introduced to the Copy Accelerator world, and Stefan and Justin.

About 3 months after beginning to learn from them, I lost my executive $6k per month client (got fired, to be frank)…

…and more than TRIPLED my monthly income the very next month, netting over 20K and bouncing back HIGH.

Since then I’ve been able to enjoy a freelancing business that brings in around $15k per month, WHILE finally beginning to enjoy the time off, reduced working hours, and lifestyle + professional freedom I was looking for when I got started.

The point of sharing all that?

It took me 2+ years to actually get any real traction as a freelancer on my own…

…and 3 months to more than double that progress and achieve what at the time I believed to be “big, hairy, audacious goals” by getting to know this group, and learning from Stefan and Justin.

All that’s to say…

This event has the power to be life-changing in so many ways, and I’m SO excited to be here sharing it with all of you!”

Samantha Novak


Want to peek inside the mind of one of the world’s most successful copywriters?

My private email list is where I spill all of my secrets. The tricks and tactics that allow me to create winning sales copy time-and-time-again.

The lessons I’ve learned while building numerous multi-million-dollar companies. The mindset hacks that allow me to perform at an ultra-high-level day-after-day.

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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