Upsells at a Restaurant

Upsells at a Restaurant

Some time ago, my wife and I spent the weekend in Las Vegas celebrating our wedding anniversary…🥂 There was one moment at a dinner that weekend that...

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Rejected Freelancers

Rejected Freelancers

Think about this scenario: You’re a freelancer, and you see a gig that you want.👨‍💻 So you apply… Taking the time to write a unique and engaging...

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My Bad Breath

My Bad Breath

I hadn’t been to a dentist in years. Now before your mind goes to a deep, dark place of disgust...😨 I want to be clear: I actually have really good...

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Dimensionalized Benefits

Dimensionalized Benefits

Do you know what a “dimensionalized benefit” is?🤔 It’s where you take the benefit of a product or service and add more layers (aka, dimensions). For...

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Stefan Georgi

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