

Copy Accelerator
What People Are Saying About Copy Accelerator

Two Of Our Businesses Just Had Their Best Months Ever!

“Working with Justin and Stefan has been a game-changer for us. Last month was the best month ever for two of our businesses. Our main business saw revenues DOUBLE, and one of our side businesses saw a 25% increase. Both these businesses are in the 7-Figure + range, so the revenue increases are significant. And the #1 reason for our tremendous growth is their copywriting mentorship, as well as using their advice to improve the backend of our funnels.”

Tim and Daniel Reiss

Owners of Multiple 7 and 8 Figure Health Businesses

Our New Email Creatives Are Smashing Our Controls

“We incorporated one little tweak that Justin recommended. It led to a lift in CTR, CNV, and revenues virtually across the board. Now the new emails I’m creating are routinely smashing our controls. There’s no doubt that this single piece of advice from Justin will lead to an additional six, if not seven figures of revenue per year for us.”

Tanner Henkel

Copywriter for Natural Health Sherpa

Helped Me Create The Best FB Ad That I’ve Ever Run

“I incorporated Stefan’s research process into our Facebook Ad Creatives. And literally the first ad I made after following his methodology produced one of the biggest winners we’ve ever run. It’s insanely profitable ad with better click rates and engagement too. Now I use the process Stefan taught me for every ad I create, and the rest of our team does too.”

Ed Reay

Facebook Compliance Expert

From Newbie to Award Winning Copywriter In Just 3 Months

“Prior to joining the Copy Accelerator program, I had never written anything longer than an email…To say I was panicked when I was unexpectedly offered the Jr. Copywriter role at my company was a total understatement! However…Immediately after the first copy call with Justin and Stefan, I took a deep sigh of relief… After working with Justin and Stefan for only 3 short months, I received an award from our CEO for delivering effective copy at a very rapid pace. I am confident that the Copy Accelerator Program is just as powerful for a true beginner as it would be for any seasoned veteran. The assets and information shared in this group are priceless and have already made a measurable difference in our business. I count myself extremely lucky to be coached by such absolute pros and I owe them many thanks for my success.”

Nina Moseley

Lead Affiliate Manager and Jr. Copywriter at Warrior Made

I’m learning tactics and strategies that I hadn’t seen anywhere else

“I’ve been in this group since day 1 and it’s incredible how much value I’ve gotten on a daily basis. The weekly lessons go really deep into crafting winning copy. I’m learning tactics and strategies that I hadn’t seen anywhere else and that helps me boost my conversions and my AOV. You can tell it’s feedback from real pros who are actually writing copy and making a ton of sales themselves. It’s not rehashed material. Real examples abound. In addition to this weekly call, Stefan and Justin are super nice guys, who are really there to help us succeed. They both go above and beyond to make sure we get results by reviewing our copy and answering any type of business and marketing related questions. Definitely one of the best coaching investment I’ve made as an entrepreneur.”



Ive Been Able To Write Copy I Didn’t Know I Had In Me

“After being personally guided by both Justin and Stefan, I can honestly say this has been the best thing for my copywriting, ever.

Sure, I’m fairly new to the industry. And I’ve still got tons to learn and implement. But I’ve seen huge strides forward in my copy thanks to just a handful of the trainings inside Copy Accelerator.

Gotta’ say though, my favorite part of the program – being able to ask them for help and direction inside the group. They don’t just give wishy washy answers, both Justin and Stefan give more than I expect, all the time. As a result, I’ve been able to write copy I didn’t know I had in me just a few short months ago.”

Jamie Lynch


I Stay Up Til 1 AM in Singapore Just To Be On The Calls

“Justin and Stefan’s Copy Accelerator program is the place to be. The strategies, techniques and feedback that they provide on copy, funnel flows and all things related to

a direct response business is pure gold. The Copy Accelerator facebook group is also proving to be a treasure trove of value. A lot of my questions were answered in detail, with even templates and exact documents provided as additional resources to help me in getting the result I wanted. The high caliber of fellow members also allows me to learn from others in areas of my business that I’m weaker in.

Honestly I’m not sure why Justin and Stefan are doing this. They are sincere in providing value. They commit a ton of time and effort to the group for the peanuts that we are paying. I even stay up until 1am just to be on the weekly calls, that’s how valuable this is to me.”

Alvin Huang

CEO of Truegenics

Increased Our Upsell Take Rate By 25%

“We used one of Justin’s upsell strategies and it increased our upsell take rate by 25%. This is a huge deal for us, as we do several thousand front ends a day. What’s even better is that this strategy is completely replicable. So we can incorporate it into every single one of our funnels now and forever. This alone will add another seven-figures to our bottom line this year.”

Nick Daniel

CEO of V Shred

Within 45 Minutes of Day 1 I Knew This Was The Best Investment I Ever Made

“Less than 45 minutes into the very first call, I already knew this was the best investment I’ve ever made.

I went from high level email copywriter to writing cold-traffic converting 16 page sales letters in only 3 hours, and that’s simply a FRACTION of what I got out of just the first 4 weeks of the Copy Accelerator.

Frankly, the amount of value Stefan and Justin drop on a weekly basis is simply unreal. One of my business partners is also in the group, and each week we tell each other how blown away we are by the quality of not only Stefan and Justin’s teachings, but the group as a whole.

It’s full of a who’s who of copywriters and A-list direct response marketers, yet it feels like a family, where everyone genuinely wants to help each other, as opposed to cutting each other down.

Not only that, but Stefan and Justin go above and beyond every week, not just with the group but with individual members as well.

I’ve had multiple business coaches, been in multiple masterminds, and I’m not sure I’ve found a coach who will do as much for you personally as Stefan Georgi.

He, like Justin, will go out of his way to help you, regardless of how much time it’ll take him.

Simply put, this program is one of a kind. Not only are you working with two of the best copywriters and marketers ON THE PLANET, but they genuinely care about you and your success – you’re not just a number to them, you’re a part of their team.

No matter how much experience you may or may not have, if you’re serious about becoming the best copywriter and marketer you can be, then you owe it to yourself, your business, your clients and your customers to join the Copy Accelerator.”

Sam Robson

7 Figure Copywriter

I Finally Feel Like My Copy Is Turning A Corner

“Writing copy day in and day out without feedback is like running on a hamster wheel. It keeps you busy, but you never get anywhere. At least that’s how I’ve been feeling the past 5 years.

You can read all the books, buy all the courses but if you don’t have access to people who truly know how to breakdown copy, dive deep and rip it to shreds.

You’ll never get to where you want to be.

During my career, I’ve been lucky enough to get clients on a pretty regular basis, but I’ve also ruined some great opportunities because my skill set wasn’t where it should be yet. It can be demoralizing, but it’s the way it goes.

As a member of Copy and Funnel Accelerator, I feel like I’m finally turning the corner. And getting feedback directly from Stefan and Justin is like getting a PhD in writing copy. It simply doesn’t get any better.

By far this has been the most impactful training and group I’ve ever taken part in. And the best career decision I’ve ever made and we’re just getting started.”

Randall Pruitt

7 Figure Copywriter

One tip they gave me added $40,000 in extra cash in my pocket

“With 1 simple tip Justin and Stefan mentioned in the Copy Accelerator FB Group…which took me literally 5 minutes to implement..we saw a $3200/mo bump in NET profit on one of my funnels. That’s nearly $40K/yr extra cash in my pocket at the current level (and should easily break 6-figures in “free money” this year as the funnel keeps scaling)…for 2 minutes of work. Doesn’t get much better than this.”

Sayan Sarker

Consultant and Copywriter for Health Supplements

“The content is AMAHZING. This feels like a genuine roadmap of how to research, create, and launch offers unlike anything I’ve seen before. It’s like the difference between walking into shop class circa 1975 and Iron Man’s laboratory. Super psyched about how I can apply this stuff.”
Aimee Kunau

Senior Copywriter

My New Offer Converts Thanks To Copy Accelerator

“I’m following the process you guys told me, just a crappy easy VSL recorded webinar right now until it’s dialed in.

Anyway, Tom and I took the suggestion from the group, split tested them, and yesterday was the first day implementing the winners.

Long story short, spent $730 for a day 1 revenue of $1388 at a day 1 1.9 ROAS.

5.4% of leads joined on day 1 (and this is 100% cold traffic, existing list revenue is excluded).

Cost per lead is dropping, the conversion rate is going up. Now I need to start working on upsells. (The first upsell we tried was a bust, and the copy was pretty good, so my working theory is the offer sucked.)

I was literally crippled with anxiety about this whole process when I started. I had no idea if it was going to work or not if the offer was going to tank.

It feels terrible to do. I’m constantly frustrated that things aren’t happening fast enough, but it’s working.

It’s really going to work! And there is not a chance in hell it would be happening without Copy Accelerator!

I’m grateful for all your help and support.”

Scott Phillips

Business Owner

Raised My Price For 1-On-1 To $500/hr

“Took Justin and Stefan’s advice and raised my price for 1-on-1 to $500/hr!!!”

Luciano Colos


Frontend Converting At Over 4% Right Out Of The Gate

“Hey Stefan.

Just wanted to update you we recently launched VivaSlim.

The contest of 10 copywriters that you copy-chiefed for Lucas and Roman.

Initial internal testing is through the roof with the fronted converting over 4% for both copies.

We haven’t seen something convert like this for a while right out of the gate, except for the Ultra Omega Burn offer which generated $26m over 4.5 years.

Pretty excited to see how we can push this. But just wanna say thanks to you and Justin.

And definitely down if you’re going a similar offer again at Feb’s CA event. Or anytime for the matter.”

Alvin Huang

Business Owner

Allowed Me To Raise Prices & Live Comfortably

“Just wanted to give shout out to Jay Deiboldt, Justin Goff, and Stefan Georgi.

Because of these fellas, I’m able to write upsells that are crushing right now (on top of the frontend copy.)

For example, I got stats from two of my clients just yesterday.

For OTO1 I wrote for my client in the PD niche has been converting at 48%!

And my client in the tax niche reports that an OTO I wrote for them is also doing well.

An upsell going from a $1 trial membership to a $600 lifetime membership is converting at 25+%. Which I think is pretty cool.

It’s results like these that have allowed me to raise my prices and make a comfortable living for myself.

This group of people has changed my life.

Not just the 3 people I mentioned…there are plenty more.

I appreciate all of you!”

Rob Tidwell


Helped Us Hit 500 Buyers A Day

“Yesterday was our first 500 buyer day across all combines media channels (FB/YT/Google).

Believing this will be the first of many more!

Pumped about this and aiming toward that 1,000 buyers a day target!”

Joe LoGalbo

Business Owner

CA Helped Us Generate $600k+ Of Revenue In A Month

“In January 2019, our revenue for the month was € 81k.

In January 2020, € 159k.

In January 2021…

We had our best month to date.

€ 552k of revenue.

Out of curiosity, I subtracted from that number our expenses and calculated what would be my percentage.

The final number left me a weird feeling.

Because it shows that…

In a single month, I earned about what my mother and father earn in 4 years of hard work…


Which is kind of crazy to think about.


In 2020 we learned the power of GOOD front end offers.

That’s what moved the needle the most of us.

Today our FE campaigns produce more than a hundred buyers per day (with the lockdown plus the holidays, we even achieved 300+ at the beginning of the year).

With the FE campaigns dialed in, we can now focus on our backend…

And make the LTV lifts.

That will make our revenue and our profit lift too.

And who knows what we can achieve next year?

Feeling pretty grateful for how things are going & wanted to share this with you.”

Mattia Paganelli

Business Owner

Allowed Me To Scale My Offer From 100 To 1,000 Buyers A Day

“Being a part of Copy Accelerator allows me to write an offer that is a scale to 100 ultimately 1000 buyers a day and that has been fantastic.

Copy Accelerator has given us the ability to monetize that offer and make sure our upsell and our email monetization on the backend are dialled in, and that created a massive amount of cash flow.

In fact, that cash flow paid for this warehouse. We did not have this in February, and we really did not have much of anything.

We were able to acquire our own manufacturing company. We funded a research and development lab, researching noble formulation and creating products that no one else in the health industry is creating.

This is all because of the cash flow that Copy Accelerator helps us to generate in our business. Having that offer has changed everything for us. It changed my life or my partner’s life, and our employees in this pandemic have jobs.

We wouldn’t have this offer without being part of Copy Accelerator. That for me is more worth than anything else what we were able to do. My perspective in life changed and I find myself opportunities to give more and help more because of the openness and generosity of finding a Copy Accelerator.

We had offers come and go. We’ve been successful and in between, but this time is different because we are different. We’re different because of what we accomplished; we’re different because of what we’ve been through.

Most importantly, we are different because of the people we get to surround ourselves with. The other people in CA and the friendship we made since becoming a CA member, that’s permanent. Even if the building runs away or everything else runs away, the changes that have taken place in my partner and me, that stays forever.

We managed to keep our previous employees and hire more. We brought in not just frontline staff and customer service but experts, people who are on top of their field.

People who are helping us create products that are gonna change thousands and hopefully someday millions of lives. We’ve changed and possibly impacted thousands of lives with our customers. We are looking to continuously do that and continue creating a huge impact on millions of people’s lives.

There’s a brand worldwide that exists helping people that wouldn’t exist because of Copy Accelerator. Thank you, Stefan and Justin, for putting together an amazing product.”

Steve Gunn

Business Owner

Helps Me Skip Steps, Save Time & Avoid Costly Mistakes

“I just felt that my ailment was that there are people who are starting and successful, and I learn from both sides. It was really exciting.

A couple of big reasons why I rejoined again, it was my second year in the program. I find that the community’s invaluable advice.

If I am doing something or starting a new project or getting something done, I go into the group and ask. Then get expert advice in seconds, it helps me skip steps and helps me save time. Helps me direct my team on the right path, which is really invaluable when you own a business and time is money.

The other thing is the support of the group, just people who are willing to help and jump in to provide any types of support that you need and everybody is very helpful.

I can hire writers from the group, and we’ve increased our profitability and on our blog. We are getting more clicks and getting more people interested in our blog.

I am getting good at writing headlines, which is great, so it improves a lot on the business’s writing side, which obviously turns that to dollars for me and my business.

It is a good group of supportive people, and there are people from walks of life like people who are starting and tenured business owners.

Everybody is sharing, and we all have something to learn from everybody in the team or the group. I really love success stories, hearing people quitting their job and earning $20k to $30k per month.

It is a very exciting thing to be around like-minded people and be absorbing all the success and hearing backstories as well. Some people are sharing things that will prevent maybe a mistake that will happen later on.

It is a very good group of people and a good environment to be around. Stefan and Justin are always there to help and guide the team. Stefan and Justin are always helpful and ready to help everybody that asks for it.

It is definitely something that I recommend to everybody and tries it out. My revenues have increased since I joined the team.”

Maria Sparagis

Business Owner

Enabled Me To Take On Projects Even If I Don’t Have The Experience Or Skill

“Investing in Copy Accelerator has been the best decision that I’ve made for my freelancing business.

Because of the training that is inside the program alone, I have been able to take on projects otherwise would have felt equipped to take on simply because I did not have enough experience or my skill set was not the level that I needed to be at to take on those projects and feel like I could do a really good job for my clients.

On top of that, the community is amazing. Suppose you are looking for sales pages in a specific industry that is performing well and needs to, or you need new swipes, or you need to see specific examples.

In that case, all you are gonna is to reach out to the community. Everybody is pretty quick to respond or tag somebody in there to get the examples that you need to write winning sales pages or whatever copy that you needed.

Also, I have met some incredible writers and clients inside the program that I would not have met otherwise. Without a doubt, I could say that the introductions and the networking that you get inside the program are incredible.

It resulted in some really really awesome relationships both for me on a personal level and a business level. And I can’t say enough good things about Copy Accelerator like I am very happy to be a member of this program.

I highly encourage every freelancer or business owner to hire top talent or as a freelancer. If you are looking to become top talent or upgrade your skills even just a little bit, this is definitely the right place for you.

So if given the opportunity, you absolutely need to go in.”

Justin Dallas


Helps Us Identify Untapped Revenue Easily

“What I love about the Copy Accelerator is not just about Justin and Stefan but the group itself.

It does a really good job, identifying where you might be leaving money on the table.

In one case, Justin looked at our first upsell and was like “Oh man guys you really need to rethink this”. It was not even a full scroll of a page long, and that really added a tremendous amount of impact to our first upsell.

When we built out a little bit of a bigger buy, which is so important, using his upsell sequence. The way he teaches writing that was tremendous for us.

Shoutout to Stefan, for the AOV close. Last year we applied that it made a big difference on our bundle take rates of the 3 and the 6. And so we just applied that across the board to MCT or green powder all the other offers that needed patents.

So it has been fantastic, and another unexpected awesome thing is finding talented writers in the Copy Accelerator group.

Brian has been so helpful with that, so we’ve been working with Krista and Megan in and out of the group. Thank you Copy Accelerator.”

Kate Aseltine

Head Of Marketing

Want to peek inside the mind of one of the world’s most successful copywriters?

My private email list is where I spill all of my secrets. The tricks and tactics that allow me to create winning sales copy time-and-time-again.

The lessons I’ve learned while building numerous multi-million-dollar companies. The mindset hacks that allow me to perform at an ultra-high-level day-after-day.

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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