“Someone from a copywriting group made an interesting offer to me.

He asked me to quote him a fee for the RMB part of RMBC.

What this means is… I'll do all the Research (R), I'll find the best Unique Mechanisms (M) for Marketing the course, and I'll create the Brief (B).

And I'll deliver everything in the easy-to-follow format shared inside the RMBC Method.

I won't be putting the Copy (C) together…

But from the Research and Brief materials, he can assemble pretty much any type of copy he needs for the launch. Emails, VSL, TSL, Webinar Script, Ad copy, Landing Page, Thank you page, etc.

He could pull out all these from the RMB materials I delivered to him.

Looking back, this project was one of the most exciting ones I've done.

I didn't have to write the entire copy for the launch, so I had enough time to go down the rabbit hole (and dig for gold) during the research.

And this made me discover some amazing ideas for the copy.

You see, RMBC is not JUST another course… or JUST another method of writing copy.

It's way more than that.

It's more like a new niche.

Like a blue ocean.

Not the biggest one (of course)… but I think we’re on to something great here.

With it, you can help more people and even make decent money – without even writing any long-form copy.

You see, just a couple of weeks ago, someone from the RMBC group reached out to me…

And guess what?

He also wanted me to help him with the RMB part of RMBC.

(Again, this means I'll do all the Research (R)… find the best Unique Mechanisms (M) for making the offer stand out… create the Brief (B) that he could use to write the Copy (C) anytime).

Then just about three weeks ago…

Another offer owner wanted me to reformat his existing sales letter to follow the RMBC framework.

We couldn't agree on the terms…

But then, it got me thinking.

If three people reached out to me for the same thing…

Then there's a good chance that more people are looking for this stuff.

There are many top copywriters in the RMBC group who have more projects than they know what to do with.

And these people would gladly pay someone to go down the rabbit hole and help them with the Research… find some potential Unique Mechanisms… and provide a Brief that covers everything they need to write the copy.

So, apart from being paid to write copy for my clients… I'm also making decent money for just going through the RMBC course and being in the group.

(At least, more money than I actually paid for it. Which is an amazing ROI)

While Stefan was creating a course, and a well-structured way of writing copy.

He has also opened up a new niche for copywriters.

And he didn't even mention it for once.

Plus, a project like this could just be a good way to start a long-term business relationship with top copywriters and offer owners.

So, as someone who's been through almost all the material inside…

All I'm saying is:

RMBC is not just a course.

It's a freaking blue ocean for copywriters.”

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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