Am I Being Self-Indulgent?

If you’ve followed me for a while…

You know that about six months ago or so, I made the commitment to focus more on growing my “personal brand.” 📣

But what does that really mean?

It means putting myself, and my content, out there for public consumption…🌏

And being proactive in my attempts to get eyeballs in front of the stuff I teach.

It really wasn’t easy to make this decision…🤔

I kept asking myself questions like:

“Am I being self-indulgent by doing this?”

“Am I just trying to stroke my ego?”

“Do I really have things worth sharing?”

Stuff like that.

The last question on that list came more from my own place of self-doubts…

But I do think it’s good that I at least asked those first two questions…

Am I Being Self-Indulgent?Because it’s always important to examine the reasons behind our actions.

Ultimately, though, I decided that “no” I wasn’t doing this for some selfish reason…

I was doing this because I really wanted to help have an impact in the lives of as many people as I possibly can.

I have a TON of wisdom and experience to share on topics like copywriting, freelancing, entrepreneurship, mindset, relationships, and more…

And I saw that, for the individuals who were getting this information from me already…

It was allowing them to amplify their incomes, write dramatically better copy, grow their businesses, and improve so many other aspects of their lives.

And that felt really good…

Am I Being Self-Indulgent?But it also made me think, “why stop there? Why can’t I help millions of people to do the same thing?”

So, that’s what put me on this mission that I’m on…

And it’s also why I want to share this video with you today. 

What is it?

It’s the first in a multi-part documentary series I’m doing with the filmmaker, Jude Charles…

Where we’re trying to take the essence of who I am…

Then combine it with the what, how, and why behind the things I teach…

So that, hopefully, others feel inspired to take massive action in their lives, too.

I decided to title the series “No Limit” for two reasons: 

1) I tend to believe that there are very few limits to what we can accomplish, besides those that are either self-imposed, or societally imposed…

2) I met my now wife Laura at a No Limit Hold’Em table back in 2011, it completely changed the trajectory of my life…

My hope is that after you check out the first episode of this series Jude and I are doing…

You feel inspired to break through your own limits as well.

Here’s the link to YouTube where you can watch it…

And after you’ve checked it out, please write back and let me know what you think of it…

Because I’m genuinely curious to hear.


– SPG 

P.S. I posted this video on my personal FB page too. I was honestly terrified to do it, because I know there will be certain people from my past (and some from the present) who look at it and say, “that self-indulgent prick.”

They’ll judge me for it, and this makes me anxious.

But, I’m still going to post it…

Because the net positive that will come from this video inspiring even a small handful of people to take action in their lives…

Dramatically outweighs the net negative of some folks saying mean things about me.

The more I put myself out there, the more “haters” are probably going to appear…

Am I Being Self-Indulgent?And I have to ask myself: 

Why would I let those people dictate my reality?

Why would I give them any power over me?

Why would I let them limit or control my life at any level?

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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