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How Many Times Should You Follow Up? (Controversial)


Good morning.Ā šŸ‘‹

So on one of the episodes of the Road to a Billion show, I said something pretty controversial.

What was it?

I said that for a freelancer looking to get a clientā€¦

I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with following up 10 times in 14 days.Ā 

I thought about that again this morning, and asked myself if it's overkillā€¦

And upon further reflection, I don't.

I think following up 10 times in 14 days is perfectly reasonableā€¦šŸ‘Œ

And hereā€™s why:

1. From Experience I Know It Works.Ā 

I get hit up by a lot of people these days. Which is awesome and amazing ā€“ because I love helping others. But because I get so many messages, I canā€™t answer all of them every day. I mean I could, but then it would be hard for me to also run my businesses and do all the other stuff that makes me worth following anyways.Ā šŸ˜‰

And as much as Iā€™d love to take time to scroll back through my inboxes and find old emails/messages I missed, I normally donā€™t.

So if somebody follows up with me and bumps their message, or just says, ā€œHey did you see this?ā€ etcā€¦

Thereā€™s much more of a chance that Iā€™ll respondā€¦

Especially if theyā€™ve followed up more than once.

2. It Keeps You On Your Prospectā€™s Radar (And Forces Them To Think About You).Ā 

Even as Iā€™m writing this, Iā€™m thinking about Sean Senseman. He sent me a piece of writing and I havenā€™t looked at it yet. And heā€™s followed up three times and I havenā€™t responded. But I keep thinking about him, and how I need to respond. Iā€™m pretty sure Sean is going to be surprised to see his name in this email ā€“ because we donā€™t really know each other at all. But now I do know him ā€“ because the guy has been good about following up.

And thatā€™s the point ā€“ you may not realize it, but when you consistently follow up, your prospect canā€™t help but start thinking about you. It will happen in weird places too ā€“ the shower, while youā€™re driving to the grocery store, on a morning walkā€¦

Itā€™s human nature ā€“ the more you reach out to someone, the more guilty theyā€™re going to feel about not responding.

3. It Differentiates You From Everyone Else.Ā 

Going back to #1 ā€“ I get messages from people all day long. Including lots of people saying, ā€œHey, can you mentor me?ā€ or ā€œCan I work for you?ā€ I donā€™t have a lot of bandwidth and Iā€™m typically not going to do one-on-one mentoring (thatā€™s why I give away so much value for free in my content)ā€¦

But I can tell you that if a person takes one shot at it then never follows up againā€¦

Itā€™s very unlikely Iā€™m going to respond or weā€™re going to connect.

Conversely though, if someone keeps hitting me up again and again, then at some point, Iā€™ll almost certainly get back to them.

So whatā€™s the secret to following up a lot?

My biggest tip would be to make each of your messages unique and interesting.Ā 

Maybe the first time you follow up, it can just be something simple like:

ā€œHey _____, just checking to see if you got this. I would love to chat more/help you because of ______reason.ā€

But then, as you continue following up, make your subject lines (or the first line of your FB/LinkedIn/Instagram message) compelling and engaging.

Humor works really well; things like:Ā 

ā€œIā€™ve been thinking of you in the shower.ā€ (Be careful with this one, you donā€™t want to come across as a creep. But Iā€™ve had guys send me a subject line like this before, and it makes me laugh and catches my attention.)

And you can always go with a personal/emotional/vulnerable story:Ā 

ā€œIn 5th grade, a group of bullies made me eat an entire container of worms.ā€Ā 

^^ Thatā€™s just a random one I made up, but it would get my attention. Especially if the story was about how someone was bullied, and they hated eating the worm, but then they learned a unique lesson like:

ā€œI realized that while humans donā€™t particularly like eating worms, fish love them. And itā€™s the same thing with marketing ā€“ just because one group might not love your content, another will devour it. The secret is to sell worms to fish and steaks to humans. And thatā€™s what I help you to do by blah blah blahā€¦ā€

Anyways, you get what Iā€™m saying here?

Following up frequently is only a problem if youā€™re sending boring or generic messages, or being rude.

If you are providing value though, or connecting with someone emotionally (through humor or drama), you have a carte blanche to follow up as much as you want.

In essence, itā€™s the same thing as what I preach with email marketing too.

Most companies think that emailing their customers every day is too muchā€¦

But the truth is, people donā€™t unsubscribe from your list because youā€™re emailing too muchā€¦

They unsubscribe because your content is generic, boring, or not relevant to them.

So as long as you make your stuff relevant, valuable, and uniqueā€¦

You can message/email as much as you want.

Anyways, I just wanted to share!


ā€“ SPG

P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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