Site icon Stefan Georgi

How to Be Truly Great at Writing Copy


Here’s the thing about copywriting…

If you want to be successful at it…

You need to love it.

I know that sounds obvious…

And most people who get into copywriting do so because they think they love it…

But I’m convinced that a lot of folks are more in love with an idea…

Than with copywriting itself.

Specifically, they’re in love with the idea of…

All of those things are awesome…

But they only tell you part of the story.

To be one of the best copywriters on earth…

You’ve got to be in love with the process too.

This means that for each assignment you take on…

You approach it with the goal of creating something truly world-class…

And then you find a way to enjoy all of the work that goes into achieving that goal.

For example…

You need to learn to love doing research.

For me, personally, this is pretty easy to do.

Because the research phase is where almost all of my best ‘ideas’ come from…

In terms of angles, hooks, fascinations, and unique mechanisms.

And, speaking of the mechanism…

God, when I’m really at the top of my game…

Writing a killer unique mechanism takes me right into a flow state.

It happened yesterday…

I’d been working on the research for a client project throughout the week…

But then, at like 3 pm on a Friday afternoon…

It all just clicked…

In 45-minutes, I wove everything together beautifully…

And, I found a killer new unique mechanism for a common problem.

Something that will make this product really stand out in a saturated vertical.

I don’t fully know how to describe the way I felt while doing this…

Except to say that it was meditative, transcendental, and I felt alive.

Do you feel that way when you’re working on a project?

If not, it’s okay…

But how can you get yourself into that state?

For me…

I focus on the fact that I “get” to go through this exciting process…

That I am being paid to be intellectually curious…

That I have the opportunity to craft a piece of sales messaging that can generate massive wealth for my client…

And that I get to use the written word to create a sales argument that is so strong, powerful, and persuasive…

That even two decades from now…

It has the potential to be held up as the gold standard of what great copy should be.

I think about how grateful and lucky I am for all of that…

How grateful I am that this is my life…

And that’s the state from which I start my work.

It wasn’t always like this, though…

Just two years ago…

I went through a phase where I felt really “over” writing sales copy.

Burned out…

And I thought I might not write another sales letter for a long, long time.

It led to this weird contradiction, though…

Because even though I felt that way…

I was still saying yes to projects…

And I couldn’t understand why.

What I ultimately realized, though…

Is that the conflict was between my head and my heart.

My heart loved writing and being creative…

But my brain was looking at each project as “work” or a “chore.”

Once I realized this…

And I shifted my mental state to one of gratitude and excitement

I found I was able to reconcile my head with my heart.

And to fall in love with the act of copywriting all over again.

I haven’t looked back since.

Alright, that’s it for today.

It’s morning time…

I’ve been up for about an hour and a half.

I’m in my home office…

And I just witnessed the most beautiful desert sunrise outside my window.

I’ll go wake up my daughter, Eden, in about an hour.

But, for now…

I’m going to jump on a few small projects…

Then probably read for a little bit…

Before spending the rest of the day with my family.


P.S. If you want to understand my writing process a bit more, then this page on my website may be useful. On this page I breakdown the RMBC Method in a TON of detail.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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