I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.

Ryan Holiday wrote about how Ego is the Enemy…

And he’s right.

But, perfection is equally destructive.


Perfection is impossible to achieve.

So, if perfection is a precondition to taking action…

Then you’re going to spend your whole life waiting, instead of doing.

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.Perfection kills action.

There will never be a perfect set of circumstances…

Or the “perfect time⏱️” to take a risk…

Or really, the “perfect” anything in your life.

If you want to be really successful at whatever you do…

Spend less time being paralyzed by perfection…

And more time building momentum through movement.

You might read this and say, “but isn’t the pursuit of perfection a valuable tool?🤔”

Yes – sometimes.

If by the pursuit of perfection…

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.We mean the actions we take to move closer to an ideal.

Pursuit = motion…

Motion = getting shit done…

I’m good with that. 👍

What I’m not good with, though, is waiting for perfect to arrive…

Because it never does.

For me, personally…

Some ways I embody this philosophy:

1. Teams and People

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.I learned a few years ago that if I have 5 people doing things 80% as well as I would do them…

I still come out massively ahead compared to doing it all myself.

So, when I build teams…

Or go into partnerships…

I accept that things aren’t going to be perfect. ✔️

It comes down to leverage.

I’d rather have an imperfect impact on a massive amount of people…

Than a perfect impact on a small few.

Imperfection is how you achieve scale⚖️.

2. My Projects

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.I’d rather put imperfect things out into the world…

Than not put anything out there at all.

I’d rather be imperfect than impotent.

So I don’t get upset when there are typos in my emails (which there almost always are 🤣)…

Or if I shoot a video and it looks crappy…

Or I write an article and the ideas aren’t expressed as clearly as I’d like.

Hell, this even applies to my sales copy…

I’ve never written the “perfect” sales letter, and I never will.

Yet, I have written a lot of sales letters that have made myself and others a lot of money🤑.

3. Personal Relationships

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.The most selfish thing we can do to someone we love…

Is to expect them to

be perfect.

Nobody is perfect.

Perfection doesn’t exist❗❗

If we expect our spouses our families, our kids, our best friends, or whoever else is close to us…

To never make mistakes…

We’ve done them a great disservice.

One of the truest aspects of love is accepting someone’s imperfections.

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.Of course there’s a difference between being imperfect and being abusive or self-destructive…

So I’m not advocating for just blindly accepting every flaw your loved one has…

But I am saying, most of those flaws probably aren’t actually a big deal.

Does it really matter if they left the kitchen messy🧐? Or if they’re always late? Or if they sleep💤 late?

Not really.

A last point…

I actually Googled🔍 “does perfection exist in nature?” as I was writing this blog post.

One of the first search results took me to Quora…

Where I found that many people had responded to this question…

By saying that “nature is perfect, but nothing else is.”

I’d Rather be Imperfect than Impotent.I couldn’t disagree more.

Nature is almost by definition imperfect.

That’s like, the ENTIRE reason evolution exists😲…

To correct mistakes and adapt to changing circumstances.

You might get super philosophical and say that nature is striving towards perfection…

But to say that nature “is” perfect👌 is just ridiculous…

If nature was perfect, then nothing would change. And we know that's not the case.

That’s it for today.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about…

But then this came to my mind and I figured I’d jot✍️ it down.

Hope you have a great day 🙂


P.S. I wrote an email to my list a few months back about why the length of your sales letter📝 doesn’t really matter. This is based on the fact that a lot of affiliates and even clients will say, “it’s too long” and they don’t actually know what they’re talking about.

Yesterday, Rhen from my team posted it on LinkedIn as an article.

And, when I re-read it…

I realized this one is super valuable, and I should make sure as many people see👀 it as possible.


Because in this article, I basically write out my entire sales letter outline…

Plus, I explain how the Unique Mechanism stuff that I’m always talking about works.

If you want to check it out, you can do so here.

And, if you do read it and find it valuable, it would be awesome if you could leave a comment.

The more comments my post gets, the more engagement LinkedIn gives them, and the more#️⃣ people see.

So you’d be doing me a really big solid here!

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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