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My Favorite Books (A Full List)…


Good Morning 🙂

I just got done with a private yoga lesson at my house. 🧘

I did yoga for a few months back in college…

But haven’t in the past 10-12 years and really wanted to get back into it…

So I had my assistant Julia find a private yoga instructor…

And she came over at 6:30 am this morning and did a 45-minute session with me.🕘

My body feels…weird lol…

But in a good way…

Honestly, I feel really light…

And I’m gonna make this a regular thing, where I do yoga lessons 2x a week.

Excited to see how it goes, especially since I’ve been pretty stiff and sore lately.

Now anyways, that was a bit of an unexpected tangent…

But onto the reason I’m writing you:

I filmed myself doing a video tour of my bookcase. 

In the video, I walk through several of my favorite books on entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, and more…

And as often as I can, I try and share the biggest takeaways I got from each book too.

I know a lot of you have asked me for book recommendations in the past…

So if you want some ideas on books to read as you continue on your journey…

It’s worth giving this video a watch (here’s the link). 

I hope you enjoy…

And more importantly, I hope you have an awesome day today!


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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