”I quit my job in March…

Off of a friend’s suggestion…

Because I was working 70+ hours a week for peanuts (you’d know the influencer if I mentioned the name)…

He said “If you put in the same amount of time on higher income activities, you could make so much more.”

It was a big decision.

I’ve been fascinated with copy for years, but just started taking it seriously after seeing Justin Goff speak live at an event in January…

Since then…

I’ve bought RMBC and used it to write Stefan Georgi a lead for a sales letter, among 80+ other applicants…

He picked me, and some other great copywriters…

And in total, I’ve brought in 6500 this month.

PURELY from applying Justin’s 0-10k/mo method and RMBC.(Justin’s talk is free on YouTube btw).

Even though it’s only been 5 months…

That’s more than TRIPLE what I used to make working 70+ hours a week…

AND I’ve worked shorter days than ever….

AND taken more time off than ever…

So, I just want to say thanks.

Thanks for giving me the tools to more than triple my income at my old job…

Thanks for helping me get my life back…

And have a lot of fun doing it.

It’s made all the scary decisions over the last few months worth it.

Copywriters, we all have the same tools, and the same opportunity to make our own success stories…

You can be the next one if you do everything Justin and Stefan say.

And deliver great work for people.

Again, there’s zero incentive for me to write this.

But when you give enormous value to people, you can’t help it if they cheer your name.

This is month 5. And It’s only the beginning.”

© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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