Site icon Stefan Georgi

Text Sales Letters vs. Video Sales Letters (Which Are Better?)


This is a question that's come up a few times in my private FB group for The RMBC Method…

So that's why I'm addressing it in this blog post….👇

And here's my personal take on it: 

The short answer is you should have both.  🤷‍♂

For me, personally, I almost always start with a TSL though, and do the VSL later…

And the performance of a TSL vs. a VSL also varies a lot depending on the traffic source. 

On email traffic, I've seen TSLs and VSLs to be about even…⚖

On Facebook traffic – normally I've seen TSLs do better than VSLs…📈

And on native traffic – VSLs usually DESTROY TSLs for some reason.

Now, in addition to this…

TSL vs. VSL performance will vary based on device type: 

I've found that overall VSLs tend to do better on desktop traffic…

But TSLs do much better on mobile and tablet traffic.

What this means is that if you can set it up so that mobile/tablet traffic gets routed to your TSL…

While desktop traffic gets routed to your VSL…

You'll usually increase conversions significantly.

In fact, one of the members of Copy Accelerator recently followed this advice for several offers that he owns…

And the result is that he got a conversion boost of between 10 and 30% for all those offers.

So yeah, just a little food for thought here…

But hopefully this does answer that question for you…

Or at least gives you some ideas about things to split-test in your funnel too.


– SPG 

P.S. Oh, by the way, another split-test for you…

You really need to be testing the order of your upsells.

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that I have a weight loss offer that's doing about $2MM a month in revenue.

Well, recently we switched the order of upsells #2 and #3.

That switch doubled the take rate of upsell #2…

Increasing our AOVs by over $30 on average.

That's a crazy boost simply by switching the order of two pages in a funnel…

But it just goes to show that you've really gotta be testing stuff all the time!

P.P.S. Oh, and one more update for people who have been following my blog for a while.

Remember when I talked about how I rewrote a skincare offer by swiping a proven template?

We finally tested it to our lists…

And it converted at about 8% with a $200+ AOV.

Bonkers, right?

Obviously that's a super warm list…

But, based on these metrics…

I'm supremely confident this offer will CRUSH on broader affiliate traffic… and network traffic too..

And all because I followed a proven template!

So that's why I always say we don't need to overcomplicate things.

If you're creating a new offer – model what's already working…

Then you can go into “split-testing mode” from there…

And make small improvements and innovations…

Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel from the start.

P.P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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