The morning ritual tweak that’s skyrocketed my productivity….


If you’ve been reading my emails for a while…🤓

You might have noticed that, while I used to email at around the same time most days (about 8 am PST my time)…📧

The morning ritual tweak that’s skyrocketed my productivity….My emails started coming out a bit later in the day…

The reason why is related to something I talked about previously:

I started spending the first two hours of my day doing “deep work”…👨‍💻

Which, for me, has been writing sales copy for clients.

Specifically, the time I’ve slotted to do this is between 6 am and 8 am.

When I woke up earlier than that…

I’ll generally spend that time drinking a cup of coffee and reading…

But I mostly stay off email and social media.

It’s seriously been such a game-changer…

By the time 8 am rolls around, I’ve already made huge progress on whatever copy I’m working on…

And then the rest of the day, I have virtually zero anxiety about work…

Because I already got done the most “difficult” thing I had to do…

Or, at least, the most mentally taxing.

One side-effect of this has been the fact that I’m not sending out my emails as early in the morning anymore…

And while I enjoyed doing that…

The trade-off is just not there compared to the writing copy right away.

The morning ritual tweak that’s skyrocketed my productivity….So the reason I’m writing is to encourage you to consider trying this “first thing in the morning” approach out too.

You don’t have to wake up as early as I do (typically 5:15 am or so, sometimes as early as 4:30 am)…

But before you go onto FB, or check your email, or anything else…

Set aside 1-2 hours to focus on your biggest task for the day.

If you do this…

I’m willing to bet you’ll be shocked by how much calmer and happier you feel…

So give it a try!


P.S. If you do start doing this, let me know. I’d love to hear how it works for you.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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