The Surprising Link Between Surrender and Leverage…

Hey there 🙂

Today, I want to share one of the biggest secrets to creating leverage in your business and life…

Are you ready for it?

It’s surrender. 

Weird thing to write, I know.

copywritingIn fact, I feel uncomfortable saying it…

Because I tend to believe that if you work hard and focus…

You can achieve amazing things in your life.

Well, that's totally true…

But what I mean by surrender…

Is really being okay with things not being perfect, or taking longer than you want them to.

Right now, here’s what I’ve got going on: 

I own a call center with close to 80 employees that’s scaling towards $1MM a month in revenue. Sometimes I think that if I was super hands-on, maybe we’d get there faster.

My partner and I have a health funnel that is doing close to $2MM in revenue a month. But we have several more funnels in the pipeline that haven’t gone live yet. If I micromanaged more, maybe those would already be live and we’d be making way more money.

copywritingI’m the Co-Founder of a copywriting mastermind called Copy Accelerator. The mastermind itself is going incredibly well. But one thing we’ve talked about is bringing on more sponsors. Ship Offers is an official sponsor, and it’s been a huge win for them and our members. Konnektive (the CRM) is signing on this week, which is a no-brainer partnership too (I’ve used them since 2015 and love them). But I feel like if I was going harder on that, maybe we’d have more sponsors already.

I launched my RMBC Course at the end of April. I’ve written about it ad nauseum, and I know a lot of you have already taken it and are seeing incredible results. The community response on how it’s changed so many people’s lives is amazingly energizing. I’m glad to have put so much into the course and have made a difference in not just people’s business, but entire lives. But, part of me still feels like if I had been more hands-on with the buildout of the funnels and backend from the start, maybe the course could’ve been live sooner.

I recently started working with a PR company that’s helping me to get more media attention. They’ve done a nice job so far (I’ll be on a cool podcast with the Harmon Brothers). But, maybe if I was proactively sending them more ideas and talking points, I’d be getting even more coverage already.

For my personal brand in general, I’m trying to produce lots of content. I do daily emails, frequent blogs and LinkedIn posts, but I feel like I should be putting out more videos, audio, FB Posts, etc. Why am I not making a video every single day?

I’m serving as the Fractional CMO of a DNA Testing Company. Lots of moving parts there, and things are going along on schedule. But maybe if I was spending even more time there, we’d be getting to launch even faster.

I own 5% of a sports agency called Dynamic Sports Group. We recently got our largest client, Austin Ekeler, a $26MM deal with the LA Chargers. Plus, now we’re going into the Esports space. I could be leveraging my health supplement relationships to get more JVs and Sponsorships for our athletes than I am right now.

Oh, and on top of that, I’m writing 1-2 sales letters most months as well.

So yeah, for almost everything that I’m involved in, I feel like I could be doing more.

But here’s the thing: 

Most days, I also spend the first 30-90 minutes of the morning with my wife and daughter…

At 12:30 pm I take a break to put my daughter down for her nap…

Then I’m usually done working by 4 pm PST…

At which point I’m — you guessed it — spending more time with my family.

copywritingNow that the weather is nice, we’ve been going swimming almost every day which has been so much fun…

Plus, we’ll also go for walks around the neighborhood, blow bubbles in the backyard, dance around the house, and do all kinds of other fun stuff…

We're creating memories I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.

Before the lockdown, I’d also stop working at 2 pm a lot of days to go play 9 holes of golf…

And I pretty much never work on weekends, except maybe during my daughter’s afternoon naps.

The reason I’m able to do all of this comes back to surrender.

copywritingFor the vast majority of those ventures I just mentioned…

I’m not the one doing most of the work.

Instead, I have teams of marketers, project managers, PR experts, accountants, lawyers, and developers that I rely on to get stuff done…

And sometimes, they don’t move as fast as I’d like…

Sometimes they screw things up…

Sometimes I feel like they could go harder.

The vast majority of the time though, they do good work and get stuff done…

So, given the choice between trying to micromanage everyone and everything…

Or surrendering to the “flow”…

And accepting that not everything will happen on the exact timeline I want it to…

I’m going to go with the latter option nearly every time.

Surrender allows me to amplify the opportunities in my life DRAMATICALLY…

While remaining pretty calm and balanced.

It’s the reason I’m able to spend so much quality time with the ones I love…

Which is pretty freaking awesome.

Okay, that’s it for today.

Just figured you might find this interesting.


P.S. One other related note…

I had a mentor for a while who was a big advocate of focusing on one major thing. He felt like people who do that tend to be more successful than people who overextend themselves.

I actually totally agree with him.

Which sounds crazy given this email, right?

For me, though…

A lot of what I do now is just making sure teams and people are in place, and operating efficiently…

That’s what gives me leverage.

And, as I continue on in my career…

copywritingI see that focus becoming even greater.

I’ve always said that there will come a point in my life…

Where I just become a professional team builder.

In other words, I’ll put together killer teams…

Then have them launch and run businesses for me…

And that'll be all I’ll do.

I’m already moving towards this goal with a lot of my ventures…

And honestly, it’s a pretty great model once you get the hang of it 🙂

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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