There’s Copywriting Gold In This Post

I saw something awesome recently.

My call center has done outbound phone sales forever – mostly to partials and declines.

But just in the past few weeks…

We also hired a new team to do Welcome Calls…

Which are calls to people who just recently bought…

Where we sell them additional packages and bundles.

The new Welcome Call team has a solid script.

They’re following it closely…

And are making some sales.

But, as you might expect…

Some agents are off to a much better start than others.

On my end, I’ve been out on the floor a lot working with the new team…

And, what I quickly noticed…

Is that one of the Welcome Call agents is already outperforming everyone else.

Specifically, this guy is having thousand-dollar days, every day…

Even though he’s only been doing this for a little over a week.

And today…

As I was pacing around the sales floor and listening to his conversations…

It quickly became obvious why this dude is having more success than everyone else.

This agent future-paces like a MOTHER-F.

In other words…

As I listened in on his conversations…

I realized that throughout his conversations with his prospects…

He’s constantly painting a picture of what life could be like if their pain point went away.

For example…

He was talking to a woman about buying some skincare products…

And I heard him say something along the lines of:

“The whole goal is that it’s six months from now, and you’re at the beach, and you feel so confident and proud. Your skin is radiant. You have no worries about blemishes, you feel so relaxed, and so free. That’s what we want for you. Can you imagine that?”

I don’t think this guy has ever studied sales copy…

But he’s naturally using one of the most powerful copy techniques on earth…

And, sure enough…

That prospect turned into a $531 sale during the call.

What’s really cool, is that the more I’ve been listening in on our agents…

The more I’ve been reminded of how transferable of a skill copywriting is.

It doesn’t matter what medium.

The same sales techniques that work in a sales letter…

Also, work on the phone…

Or during an in-person conversation.

Let me give you another example of this:

An issue I saw come up today …

Was that this same agent was about to close another sale…

And the customer’s card got “soft-declined.”

Normally this occurs because the bank doesn’t recognize the MID that is processing the transaction…

And, when that happens…

The customer needs to call their bank and tell them that they are trying to make a transaction, and to let the charge go through.

Well, when this happened today…

The agent basically said, “okay, well you need to call the bank and then call me back.”

Then he got off the phone!

Let’s be honest: the chances aren’t great the prospect is going to call him back…

But, there’s a way he could have increased the likelihood of her calling him back dramatically.

What is it?

He could have told her EXACTLY what she needs to do.

Instead of saying, “call your bank and call me back”…

He could have given her step-by-step instructions for how to call her bank…

And then set an expectation about how long it should take…

Why she should do it…

And what’s going to happen after she does.

If he did that, the conversation would have gone something like this:

“Okay, well it looks like there was a processing error with the bank. You’re going to need to give them a quick call and let them know that you are trying to make an important investment and that they need to get this resolved right way. Is that something you can do?



Great. Now typically these calls to the bank take fifteen minutes or less. And while I know even fifteen minutes can be a bit annoying, you have to think about why you’re calling them. You’re calling the bank because you want the chance to achieve beautiful, glowing, crystal-clear skin for years to come. Do you think it’s worth fifteen minutes of your time if it means you could have that chance? Me too.



Okay great, so we’ll just have you call your bank really quickly. To do that, you’ll need to dial the number on the back of your card. Do you see that number? Perfect.



So go ahead and give them a call right now so we can get you on the path to beautiful skin. Then I want you to call me back in fifteen minutes once you’re done talking with them, and we’ll get this taken care of for you.



I’m going to give you my number right now too, so it’s easy for you to call me back. Do you have a pen and paper? Perfect, I want you to write this number down. Got it? Perfect.



Go ahead and call your bank right now, and if for any reason I don’t hear back from you in the next 15 minutes, I’m going to call you back at this number just to make sure you’re taken care of. Sound good? Awesome, thank you NAME.”

You tell me…

Which response is more likely to get the prospect to actually take the time to call her bank?

Unless you’re smoking crack, it’s the one I just wrote out.

And the reason why, is because while it might seem painfully obvious…

The truth is, people need to be told exactly what to do.

It’s the same thing in your sales letter, by the way.

You need to tell them to click the button that says “buy.” You need to tell them what happens after they click that button. You need to walk them through the whole process in their minds, step-by-step…

You should have them visualizing making the order before they’ve ever actually completed it…

Because doing so increases the chances of them converting significantly.


When you get good at selling through copy, you get good at selling PERIOD.

This doesn’t mean you’re immediately a smooth operator on the phone or in-person…

But you’re still lightyears ahead of most other salespeople…

Because you know all of the proven tricks and secrets that get people to say “yes.”

It’s a superpower.

An unfair advantage.

A skill we should really value and be glad to have.

K, that’s it for now.

I just wanted to share these thoughts with y’all.



P.S.This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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