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A Big Secret About How I Write Copy…


Here’s a big secret about the way I approach copy…🤫

I RARELY write the lead first.✍

I’d say about 90% of the time, the lead is actually the last thing I do.


A lot of it has to do with my copywriting process…

AKA, my RMBC Method.

In case you haven’t seen it, the big general sections of my sales letter outline are:👇

I. Lead (Intro)

II. Background Story

III. Unique Mechanism of the Problem

IV. Unique Mechanism of the Solution

V. Product Build-Up and Reveal

VI. Close


And if you’re unfamiliar with RMBC…

It stands for Research, Mechanism, Brief, Copy.

Well, since the Mechanism is the second thing I do when writing a sales letter (after research)…

I generally have parts III and IV written already, before I even start writing the sales letter.

And then in the B section of RMBC (Brief)…

Two of the “questions” you answer in that part are:

“What’s the Background Story?” and “What is the Product?”

When you’re doing your Brief, I recommend answering those questions in copy format.

Because then, when it comes time to write your copy…

Big chunks of those sections (II and V) are already done.

So, the result of all this…

Is that when the time comes to actually write my sales letter…

I have the background story already mostly done (II)…

The parts about the Unique Mechanism already done (III and IV)…

And I have the stuff about the Product already completed too (V).

It turns out that the “close” of a sales letter is super formulaic…

I literally just copy and paste previous closes I’ve written for similar products,

Then tweak them to be relevant to the current offer.

So I usually just do that part next.

Which means, before I know it…

I’ve already done sections II, III, IV, V, and VI…

And now all I have left to do is the Lead (I)…

And the FAQs (II).

So, that’s when I tackle the Lead.

Which, frankly, is pretty templatized too…

And one big advantage of doing it after I’ve written the rest of the letter…

Is since I already know what’s actually inside the letter,

It’s easy to add in unique teasers, curiosity bullets, etc…

Which tends to make my leads a lot stronger.

Then finally, after the lead, I do the FAQs…

Which are also formulaic (they take like 15 minutes)…

And I’m done.

So yeah, kind of interesting that I approach it this way, but hopefully you can see why.

And this also should shine some light onto why I’m able to write killer sales letters in 2-3 days…

Definitely in under a week.

It’s not just that I’m a super-fast writer or crazy experienced (though both these things are true)…

It’s because of the process of RMBC…

Which is why the method is so valuable.

Anyways, wanted to share this with you.

Hope you have an awesome day!


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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