A Trembling, Convulsing Bird

NOTE: part of this post might be hard to read, but I promise it has a happy ending.šŸ˜Š

One evening, my daughter, wife and I were in the family room playing before bedā€¦

When we heard a loud THUMP sound.

I immediately knew it had to be a birdā€¦šŸ¦…

And when I looked at the window, I could see a gooey smudge and feathers stuck to the glass.

My heart sankā€¦

And looking down to the ground outside the windowā€¦I saw a bird that was contorted and mangled-looking.

For a minute I sat there, just staring at itā€¦šŸ˜³

Then I watched as the bird snapped his wing back into place ā€“ so that he looked at least like a bird is supposed to look.

After that though, the bird just sat there trembling and shakingā€¦

It looked as if he was shivering.

It left me with a dilemmaā€¦

Do we try and bring the bird inside and nurse it?

Do I go kill it to put it out of its misery?

Do I leave the bird alone, and let the course of nature play out?

Ultimately I decided to leave the bird as it wasā€¦

Because while it really broke my heartā€¦

I just didnā€™t think us intervening would do muchā€¦

And I didnā€™t want to go smash its brain in, robbing the bird of a chance at life.

And thatā€™s where the happy ending comesā€¦

Because a few hours later, after my wife and I had gone out to meet with a friend and then returned homeā€¦šŸ•—

The bird was gone.

Itā€™s possible some sharp-toothed predator came and grabbed the bird in the few hours we were gone, eating him alive, and leading to an excruciating and grizzly deathā€¦

But the higher probability is that the bird recovered, bounced back, and flew away.

And it made me SO happy to see thisā€¦

I found it inspiring, the resiliency of this bird.

And I thought about how for these animals, survival is an instinctā€¦

Something they will fight for with every fiber of their being.

I think we can take a lesson from thatā€¦

When it comes to pursuing our dreams and goals as freelancers, business owners, and entrepreneurs.

What if failure wasnā€™t an option?

What if this was life or death?

How would you respond?

What actions would you take?

What kind of ā€œanimalā€ would you become?

And even before we get to that, looking at your priorities…

What are the things in your life that you're truly willing to fight for?


ā€“ SPG

P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link


Ā© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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