How “Dimensionalized Benefits” Can Up-Level Your Copy

When I look back at my most successful sales letters over the years…🏆

The one thing that stands out…

Is that they’re loaded with “dimensionalized benefits.”➕

What are “dimensionalized benefits?”

They’re when you take a benefit that the prospect could receive from your product…

And stretch it out to be several layers deep.

Honestly, the easiest way to explain this is through an example:👇


Home Security System


Dimensionalized Benefits” Can Up-Level Your CopyKeep your family safe and secure.

How We Add Dimensions

“With PRODUCT you can truly keep your family safe and secure.

Installation is easy and takes less than thirty minutes…

Yet the moment you’re finished setting up PRODUCT…

It’s as if you’ve erected an impenetrable fortress around your home…

And the incredible feeling of relief, confidence, and security that comes from putting this “digital moat” around your property…

It’s almost impossible to describe.

What I can tell you though,

Is that many of our users say that after installing PRODUCT in their home…

Their sleep dramatically improves, too…

Because their minds are no longer racing with “what-if’s” each night…

And instead…

Dimensionalized Benefits” Can Up-Level Your CopyThe moment their head hits the pillow, they enter a night of deep and restorative sleep.

So don’t be surprised if, within weeks of setting up PRODUCT, friends and family start to comment about how “relaxed” you seem…

How you’re acting calmer and more thoughtful.

You may even notice a new-found sense of confidence…

Which is actually very normal…

Because once you’ve taken this simple but effective step towards protecting your loved ones…

You won’t be able to help but hold your head up high.

Maybe the example above is a little overboard…

But not too much.

And frankly…

I’d rather be over-the-top in my benefits…

Than underboard.

I’ve found that prospects rarely won’t buy because you’ve laid it on too heavy…

But they frequently won’t buy because you didn’t go hard enough.



P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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