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A Quick Tip that will Make Your Unique Mechanisms a Lot Better.

copywriting lessons

A lot of you have heard me talking about the Unique Mechanism Behind the Problem (UMP)…

Along with the Unique Mechanism Behind the Solution (UMS). ✅

The UMP explains the real reason the prospect has never solved their pain point before…

And it does it by creating a paradigm shift.⏳

The UMS logically follows the UMP…

And it shows the prospect why they will succeed this time, no matter how much they’ve failed in the past…

By presenting a unique but trustworthy solution to the UMP.

Oversimplified example for a stem cell product:

You’re only born with a limited number of Adult Repair Stem Cells. When you’re young, you have plenty. When your body sustains an injury or trauma, those stem cells rush to the scene of the crime and repair the damage. That’s why kids heal so fast.

But as you get older, your number of available stem cells decline. That’s why when older people break a bone or get a cut, it takes so much longer to heal. And the same thing is happening inside your body too.


So, if you want to heal faster and stay biologically younger…

You need your body to produce more Adult Stem Cells…

That way they can heal you on both the inside and out.

That’s what PRODUCT does.

Now, here’s the tip…

One mistake I see people making is that they go to write out their UMP and UMS, and it’s pages and pages long.

That’s okay…

But, the secret to a really good Mechanism…

Is that at its essence, you can describe it to someone in just a few sentences…

And, what’s really helpful…

Is if you list out your UMP and UMS as a series of logical steps…

That way, you get really clear on the structure of your argument.

So, back to the Stem Cell Mechanism example…

Here’s what it looks like:

  1. We’re all born with a limited amount of Adult Repair Stem Cells.
  2. When our bodies suffer trauma, Adult Repair Stem Cells rush to the scene and heal the damage.
  3. As we get older, the number of Adult Repair Stem Cells we have declines (because we’ve been using them up).
  4. That’s why older people take longer to heal than younger people.
  5. So, if you want to feel younger and heal faster, you need to get your body to produce more Adult Repair Stem Cells.
  6. That’s what PRODUCT does, and here’s how.

Basically, what I’m saying is…

If your UMP/UMS is really good…

You’ll be able to condense it down to a few logically connected sentences…

And people will be able to easily follow and grasp your argument.

So, when you’re writing mechanisms in the future…

I’d recommend that you try this exercise out as well.

Let me know if this makes sense!



P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.

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