What the Biggest Names in Direct Response All Have in Common…

Check out this list of names:

Vshred/Sculpt Nation, Danette May, Primal Health, Science Natural Supplements, New Market Health, Traffic & Funnels, Barton Publishing, Trugenics, Paleo Hacks, Natural Health Sherpa, Bedros Keuilian, Smarter Nutrition, International Wealth, Dr. Amy Myers, Mindshare, Madrivo, Anik Singal, Get Lean After 40, Wellness Mama, Kelly Felix, Jay Deiboldt, Alt Daily…

What do they all have in common?

For one thing, they’re some of the biggest players in direct response and eComm…🤑

But, even more strikingly…

When these folks need a killer new sales letter, landing page, series of emails, advertorial, or anything else that's copy related…

The first place they turn is to the freelancers in Copy Accelerator.👨‍💻


copy acceleratorOur group is home to some of the absolute best copywriters on the planet…

Folks who have written numerous 7, 8, and even 9 figure promos and funnels…

So, when you hire a writer who is in Copy Accelerator…

You can feel confident knowing you’re working with the absolute best in the world.✅

Think about it: 

These are writers who have spent the last year being trained on a daily basis by Justin Goff and myself…

Plus, every time these writers do a new piece for a client…

They send their copy to me and Justin…

And we provide the writers with feedback, suggested changes and tweaks, etc.

copy acceleratorIt’s a beautiful system…

One that’s impossible to beat…

And the reason I’m sharing this with you right now…

Is because even though yes, times are a little bit crazy…

There are a bunch of you on my list who could benefit from the services of a world class copywriter at this very moment. 

Maybe you just need fresh email creatives…

Maybe you want to rewrite the lead to one of your health offers to focus on immune health…

Perhaps you’re trying to convert a physical offer to a digital one…

Or perhaps you’re in one of the multiple niches that are currently booming (like survival, biz opp, health, etc)…

And you want to keep rolling out new offers as fast as you can.

If that’s you…

Then the first place you should go is here. 

That link takes you to a short form where you can share all of your project details…

And once you’ve submitted the form…

Justin and I post your project to a private FB Group that only has our freelance members in it. 

Then, the freelancers can reach out to you about your job directly…

And you’re able to hire the copywriter who is the best fit for your project.

It’s a pretty sweet set up, right?

And remember – when you hire a writer from Copy Accelerator…

You get me and Justin, too.

Because we review every piece of copy that our writers create…

To make sure it’s aligned with our ultra-high standards.

So, if you’ve got any pending copy projects…

And you don’t want to waste your time, or your money, working with mediocre writers…

Go fill out this form now and we’ll get it in front of our freelancers immediately!



Justin and I don’t take a cut on these jobs or anything like that.

Rather we just offer this as a service because it creates a win-win for clients and members of our mastermind!


Even if you’re a little freaked about what’s happening with COVID-19 and the economy right now…

I’d say that you should be using this down time as an opportunity to get ahead. 

This is the chance to refresh old offers that used to work, but then died…

Or to have someone rewrite an offer that never quite reached scale…

Or to create a brand new offer that you’ll launch once this virus stuff has passed.

It’s better to jump on all of this now…

Then to wait until everything is better…

And find yourself wishing you were ready to take advantage of the rising economic times…

Instead of feeling like you’re now three months behind!

P.P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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