“Hey, Don’t Buy My Stuff!”

I had two interesting conversations on Social Media recently…📱

And in both cases, I discouraged someone from buying my stuff.❌

The first happened in the Justin and Stefan Talk Copy Facebook Group. 

An individual asked which of my courses would help him to launch a health supplement offer from scratch.

I linked this person to a few free resources, including the episode of The Road to a Billion where I layout the ins-and-outs of a health supplement company…

But he followed up again and said, “So none of your courses will help?”🤔

At this point, it was pretty clear that this person wanted to buy something from me…

But I wasn't about to let him.


Because my courses don't match up with what he needs right now.

The RMBC MethodDon't get me wrong.

The RMBC Method (my copywriting course) shows you how to write winning sales copy, consistently, in a fraction of the time it takes right now.

The course is awesome…

I've gotten over 100 absurd testimonials since launching…

And it's basically the gold standard in copywriting training.

So, I'd love for the guy to have that knowledge…


At the same time, the core promise of RMBC is NOT how to launch and scale an offer…

So I didn't want this person to buy the course with those expectations…

Only to be disappointed.

In fact, here's what I told him: 

“When it comes to my courses, I'd rather not sell you on something, than sell you on something and it's not the right fit and that ruins our relationship before it's even started.”

And I really meant that…

I'm all about the long-tail…

So why burn a relationship with someone today, right?

The RMBC MethodAnd then, in the second instance…

Someone on Instagram DM'd me and asked if RMBC would really help him to write 12 sales letters a month.

He said that in the past, he got burned out writing 3 sales letters a month…

But that if this course would allow him to write 12 sales letters a month, “I will purchase right away.”

It was kind of curious how fixated on the 12 letters a month thing this guy was…

But anyway, here's what I told him: 

“Hey man, I wouldn't buy it to do 12 a month. It is possible, but it's better to write 1-2 good ones typically and charge more. The course helps you do that for sure.”

The guy then responded , thanking me for my reply, and he said: 

“I have a few courses from John Carlton and Clayton Makepeace, and I thought this one was maybe more specific for the volume of work because I get totally burnt out at 3 a month.”

So just like in conversation #1, the guy was looking for me to sell him…

Which I would have been happy to do…

If only the person wasn't pursuing an “end” that he really should avoid.

That's why, instead, I just responded with: 

“I mean it allows you to do that. It's just not a super sustainable strategy. It doesn't matter what course you follow; writing 12 letters per month is probably going to burn you out after a few months.”

At this point, the conversation sort of tapered off…

The person didn't buy RMBC…

And that's fine.

Because, like I said…

I'd rather people don't buy my stuff…

Then buy it with false expectations.

Trust is just too important when it comes to marketing…

And frankly, integrity is a good business model too…

Because when people truly believe you have their best interests at heart…

They'll typically buy from you again-and-again.



P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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