Site icon Stefan Georgi

ā€œThe Facebook Trapā€

the facebook trap

This morning I woke up, let the dog out, made coffee, then sat down in front of the computer.šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’»

Thatā€™s pretty much my normal routine, but with one exception.ā˜ļø

I left Facebook open on one of my browser tabs last nightā€¦

And so, after a minute or two of reading the news, I noticed that FB was open and clicked on that tab.

My intention was to just ā€œxā€ it outā€¦

But when I clicked over, I saw a notification from Facebook.

It said something I posted had been removed for not following community guidelinesā€¦

Which pissed me offā€¦šŸ˜”

Though it also wasnā€™t surprisingā€¦

Because this was what Iā€™d been afraid of initially, and what my whole post was about ā€“ that you canā€™t post something contrarian without fear of Facebook censoring you, de-platforming you, and in some cases harming your economic livelihood.

Well yeah, I got censoredā€¦

And they also gave me a warning that if I violate their rules again, I could be temporarily de-platformedā€¦

Which, in turn, would hurt my economic livelihood since Copy Accelerator is run largely on FB.

So anyways, I shared a screenshot of the message from Facebook and wrote a little blurbā€¦

And got a lot of engagement (something like 82 comments in the first 2 hours).

Further, I also went ahead and sold the remaining Facebook stock I hadā€¦.

Because I canā€™t support the platform.

Okay, so all of that is greatā€¦

But hereā€™s the thing:

When I sat back down to my computer at about 9 am my timeā€¦

The first thing I did was go back through all of the comments and start responding to people, and in some cases debating themā€¦

And quickly I realized how I felt angry, scatter-brained, low-energy, and unmotivated.

ā€œOh shit, I said to myself. I just fell into the Facebook trap.ā€

You see, hereā€™s the thing:

I believe what I said about censorship is important, and I wanted to share itā€¦

But by deciding to go deep into FB first thing in the morningā€¦

I made an unconscious decision to fry my brain and fā€”k up my day.

The reason why has everything to do with DOPAMINE.

Thatā€™s what Facebook does. Those likes and comments release dopamine. Every time. Little hits to your brainā€¦

And it turns out that shocking your poor primate brain with near-constant little blasts of dopamine isnā€™t particularly healthy.

Slot machines have the same effect on the brainā€¦

And so do hard drugs (baby just one more hit).

So, what I realized is that I wasnā€™t following my own ruleā€¦

Which is not to engage on Facebook until later in the day.

Now one day of doing this isnā€™t the end of the world:

Iā€™m glad I recognized what happened and ā€œxā€™dā€ out of Facebookā€¦

And Iā€™m not that guy who goes, ā€œoh well, now my whole day is ruined because _____ happened.ā€ (I actually hate when people act that way ā€“ I think itā€™s a major sign of weakness.)

With that being said, thoughā€¦

It was a good reminder.

Usually I donā€™t let this happenā€¦

But I know a lot of people who go through a similar experience to what I just shared pretty much every dayā€¦

And the truth is, it probably plays a huge role in their lack of motivation and productivity.

Thatā€™s why I wanted to shareā€¦

To remind you to avoid the Facebook Trap as well šŸ™‚

ā€“ SPG

P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link

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