Site icon Stefan Georgi

You’re not an octopus

you're not an octopus

When you really break it down, a successful business really has three key elements:👇

Product = what you’re selling. I’d also actually include the customer experience here. I look at this as part of the product – because people will buy a good customer experience.✅

Distribution = how you sell. What are the channels you’re using to reach your prospective customers and get them to buy your product?📦

Operations = making sure the nuts and bolts are all in place. Your operations support the creation of your product and distribution.đź‘Ś

When you think about it from this perspective, it’s almost relieving…

Because it simplifies your business objectives quite a bit.

Your goal is just to figure out where your biggest lever is currently and work to optimize this.

That’s nothing groundbreaking – it’s actually one of the main premises of the book Great CEOs are Lazy…

But it’s often neglected by entrepreneurs who try and do too much at once.

Generally, I think that’s a mistake…

I’d rather focus on one key lever at a time…

Rather than trying to be an octopus who is pulling several levers all at once…

And I’m totally fine understanding that those levers can and will change over time.

Take Copy Accelerator, for example.

We launched our LITE version a bit over a year ago…

And at the time, the product was essentially just a stripped-down version of our full mastermind.

You got most of the stuff that our full members got…

But you didn’t get copy reviews and feedback from Justin or me…

You didn’t get access to copy jobs…

And you didn’t get the bonus day at events.

Justin and I thought, “this will be super scalable, there’s still a ton of value and it’s a great price point”…

And while it was a very successful launch…

We quickly realized that the new product we’d taken to market was “incomplete.”


At the lower price point, the LITE version of our mastermind was attracting more beginner and intermediate copywriters…

And those people have different needs than someone running a 7, 8, or 9 figure business…or an A-List Copywriter.

A lot of people joining CA LITE needed more feedback…and because a lot of the new members were freelancers, we needed to help them get clients too.

So we went to work improving our product.

Here are the first two changes we made:

  1. Added in two weekly copywriting feedback calls for members, where they could bring their work and get feedback from experts.
  2. Added in a weekly “Business of Freelancing” call where freelancers get expert help on how to craft proposals, structure deals, find ways to get more clients, etc.

But we didn’t stop there.

Since we hadn’t done as many live events due to COVID…

Justin and I decided to go “on tour” so that we could bring our members together in various cities.

That’s a big part of why people join masterminds (aka buy our product)…

So we hit the road, traveling to Tampa, San Diego, the Pacific Northwest, New Jersey, and Austin…

And we also did a virtual day for our international members.

Those were very well-received by our members…

So I want to make sure we keep doing these throughout the year.

Now all of this is pretty cool…

But about a month ago, we did a survey of our members to gauge their satisfaction and find out what else they’d like to see.

One of the things we found is that even though we have two feedback calls per week…

And our Full members can get copy reviews from Justin and me in the Facebook group…

Several folks still wished they could have more one-on-one copy mentoring.

So we added that to the program.

We got a couple of A-list copywriters to agree to 10 hours per week of copy coaching with our members.

This has been insanely well received too!

And given all of this, you’d think we’d be done…

But we’re not.

Several of our members didn’t like our Member’s Area – so we created an entirely different one that’s WAY better…

A lot of the freelancers have mindset issues, so we started doing monthly mindset calls…

And we certainly didn’t want to neglect our dear business-owner members…

So we’ve started doing bi-monthly calls for the business owners, where we bring in high-level experts and they help troubleshoot and problem solve.

And lastly (for now)…

A lot of our members said they wanted more training on eComm…

So we’ve got multiple sessions lined up in the coming months to go over eComm copy, funnels, etc…

Plus, we’ve got a 9 figure eComm biz owner scheduled to speak at our next big event in Scottsdale.


We’re still not done making the program better, though – we’ve actually got several more really big things in the works…

But as you can see, we’ve done a LOT over this past year…

And there are two reasons why I’m sharing all of this:

First, because I’m super proud of Copy Accelerator FULL and Lite, and the way the program continues to evolve…

And second, because it’s a great reminder that your “product” often shouldn’t always remain static.

Often it should be dynamic…

Especially when you’re in a service-based business.

So that’s why we’ve been more focused on product than distribution lately.

Between word-of-mouth, our email lists, our Facebook group, our communities, and live events…

Most people have heard of Copy Accelerator, and we don’t struggle bringing people into our universe…

So our distribution has been fine.

It was our product that needed to keep getting better, and thus that’s where we put our attention.

At some point in the future, though, I’m sure we’ll reach a point where we feel like the product is as good as can be for the time being…

And at that point, perhaps we’ll shift to distribution…

By starting to run more cold traffic funnels to Copy Accelerator etc.

But the key is, we’re focusing on one lever at a time…

And I think that choice is going to continue to pay huge dividends to our members and to us as business owners.




P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link

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