Don’t Be Afraid To Pivot

I spoke about pivoting on episode 6 of my Road to a Billion Podcast

And then, Aldrin Gregorio put a post in the RMBC Applied Facebook group, sharing how valuable it was…👌

Which is what inspired me to write this email to you.📩

So why is pivoting an important topic? 

Embracing pivots gives us the ability to not become trapped in any boxes or predefined roles…📦

Regardless of whether those are self-imposed restraints, or ones imposed by others.

Don’t Be Afraid To PivotKnowing you can pivot enables you to try new things with less fear…

Because if you do try something new out, and it doesn’t work, or you don’t like it…

You simply change course and move on to something different.

It sounds super simple, I know…🤷

But I’ve noticed a lot of people never take action…

Because they’re afraid of what will happen if things don’t work out.

“What if I start writing copy full time, but realize I don’t like it?”

“What if I start a health supplement business but find it’s not for me?”

“What if I start publicly talking/teaching about XXX topic, but the market doesn’t respond?”

What if, what if, what if?

Well, if that happens, what if you just pivot? 

You don’t have to remain stuck in any single role or job in your life…

You always have optionality and freedom to make a change.

Don’t Be Afraid To PivotFor me personally: 

In 2004, I was a semi-professional poker player (while a senior in high school)…

In 2005, I was a college dropout working at a movie theatre…

In 2006-2007, I was a partner in a Record Label (I was also a cokehead for a period of that time)

In 2008-2010, I was a hipster, poetry-writing philosophy major at a little-known college in Pensacola, Florida…

In 2011, I was an outdoor ed instructor in Marble Falls, Texas…

In 2012, I become a copywriter…

In 2013, I started an agency called Market Taffy (my first successful business)…

But in 2014, I went back to writing copy because I realized owning an agency sucked.

In 2014-2015, I was the secret copywriting weapon for Lion’s Publishing…

In 2015-2017, I was the owner of a health supplement company…

In 2017, I went back to being a freelance copywriter…

In 2018, I started another agency (apparently forgetting the fact that agencies suck, and it cost me $1.5MM to re-relearn this lesson LOL)…

In 2019, I transitioned back into the role of a copywriter + I also became a mastermind owner…

And today, in 2020, I'm:

A mastermind owner (Copy Accelerator)…

A teacher/coach/mentor….

A publisher (The RMBC Method, RMBC Applied)…

A copywriter (still – that one's a constant in all of this)…

An offer owner (multiple 8 figure supplement funnels)…

A Call Center Owner (Turtle Peak)…

And the 5% partner in a Sports Agency (Dynamic Sports Group).

Don’t Be Afraid To PivotBy most objective standards, I’m pretty damn successful…

Yet, I’ve never really let myself be categorized by one single “title” or definition.

Others can define me if they want…

But I refuse to define myself.

I’m going to write some books eventually…

But I won’t become an “author”…

I mean, I will…

But that won’t be how I describe myself.

And I love speaking from stage…

But I’ll never refer to myself as a “speaker” either.

Really, I’m an entrepreneur who happens to be super good at copywriting…

And that’s about the closest you can get to defining me…

Even that definition is super lacking, because it leaves out all the teaching and coaching I do…

Which is actually the most fulfilling part of my entire professional life.

So I've learned to embrace living an undefinable life…

And by doing that, something magical has happened: 

Because I do so many things, and am so comfortable pivoting…

Don’t Be Afraid To PivotI can be whatever I want, whenever I want to.

If I talk to someone who is looking for a call center…

“Hey I’m Stefan and I own a boutique customer service call center in Las Vegas…”

If I talk to someone who needs copywriting…

“Hey I’m Stefan and I’m one of the most successful copywriters on earth, with close to a billion dollars in sales to my name”…

If I happen to meet a professional athlete…

“Hey, I’m Stefan and I’m actually a partner in a sports agency with several players in the NFL and MLB.”

I have crazy flexibility and optionality…

And this allows me to pursue different passions of mine without feeling like I’m doing something “wrong.”

Now of course, there are some caveats too…

There’s a fine line between pivoting and having shiny object syndrome.

I tend to pivot because of necessity or because of passion…

But I don’t pivot just to chase the next best thing.

When I pivot, it’s usually a calculated decision…

And today, while I have a ton going on…

I have the infrastructure in place to allow me to do several things at once.

I spend one hour per week on the Call Center…

But that's because we have a CEO, COO, etc…

I spend about one hour per MONTH on the Sports Agency…

But that's because I'm a minority partner and there's a whole team doing stuff that I don't need to be involved with…

I spend maybe five hours per week on the health supplement offers…

But that's because we have a CEO, COO, project managers, affiliate managers, etc.

That's the power of leverage…

But it took me a long while to figure all of this out.

There's a big difference between being the “owner” of a business and being the “operator.”

You can do both…

Don’t Be Afraid To PivotBut typically only for one business or venture at a time…

Whereas if you can figure out how to be the “owner”…

Then build the proper team that can operate the business…

That's where you can have numerous things going on all at once without losing your shirt, your hair, or your sanity.

For most people who are early on in their careers or just starting out though…

I recommend picking one thing to focus on, and obsessing over becoming the best at whatever that is…

Don’t Be Afraid To PivotBut the reason pivoting remains important…

Is because it reminds you that if you end up not liking whatever it is you picked…

If you’ve given it an honest try, and it’s just not working out…

Then you can change course and move on to something else…

And that's totally fine…

It doesn't make you a failure or a loser or not worthy…

It means you've gotten one step closer to finding whatever it is you really should be doing here on this earth.



P.S. If you want to watch the episode of The Road to a Billion where I talk about pivoting, you can check it out here. 

You’ll see the timestamps in the comments…

But the part about pivoting happens at around 46:01.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



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Stefan Georgi

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