Getting Published, Going to Italy, and Other Fun Updates.

Good morning, from the greater San Francisco area!

This is the last day of the consulting intensive that we’ve been doing with Jen Kem and her team…

And yesterday was just as excellent as the first.

I’m not going to go into too many details about it today…

But, I do want to say that I can absolutely recommend Jen and her COO Sarah to anyone looking for help with their branding, or with live events…

Because their content, systems, and frameworks have just been absurd.

In the same way, I’ve created the best copywriting system in the world, they’ve created the best live event system in the world.

It’s that good.

In other news, I want to update you on stuff I’ve got going on currently.

As a lot of you know, I’ve made a commitment to grow my “personal brand” in 2020 (I don’t love that term, but whatevs). One part of that commitment has been this email list – which I’ve been having a lot of fun with…

But, beyond my list…

I’ve also been publishing content to my blog each day, and I hired a marketing assistant to help me get my content out to more places.

The guy I hired as my “marketing assistant” is really more like my CMO. His name is Rhen, and he’s doing a great job. Content I create is now being pushed to my website, Medium, LinkedIn, Facebook, and a few other places each day…

And before long I’d like to start doing more with video, as well.

Speaking of all that content, one really cool thing that recently happened…

Is that Rhen took a post I originally wrote in Justin and Stefan Talk Copy many months ago and submitted it to Medium. This morning it got recommended by their editors, and then I got a note from this group called The Startup asking if they could publish it as well.

I didn’t know anything about The Startup, but apparently, they’re like the biggest group on Medium – so kind of cool that some of my writing will get published there. And hopefully, this is just the start!

Once the article gets published on The Startup I’ll share the link with you.

In addition to this…

A relaunch of my website should be going live tomorrow or Tuesday.

It’s still going to need some tweaks and revisions once it goes a life – but there’s a ton of good content that I’ve created specifically for the site, and I’m excited to share. I’ll provide a link to the new site once it’s up.

Also, here’s a fun little note about the magic of unintentional SEO…

Several months back I wrote a post in Justin and Stefan Talk Copy titled “Don’t Be Like Evan From Master Chef Season 10.” The point of the post was how Evan was a know-it-all and that’s why he was cut from the show. I then took that post and also put it onto my blog.

Well, I was just looking at an SEO tool that Rhen has been using to track keywords on my website…

And I was surprised to see that my site ranks pretty high for a bunch of search terms related to Evan from Master Chef.

For example, just type in “Masterchef Evan” and I’m one of the first results. Or, if you search “Evan Masterchef Season 10,” you should find my post on the first page as well.

This is actually getting my site a handful of organic visitors each month. I imagine most of these people are pretty confused once they reach my blog and see that it has nothing to do with TV Shows…

But still – kind of cool.

In addition to all that, here’s what else I have going on…

In the last month or so I did podcast interviews on:

  • Making Bank With Josh Felber
  • She’s Making An Impact With Rachel Ngom
  • The Copywriter Club Podcast with Kira Hug and Rob Marsh.

None of these have been published yet, but when they are I’ll make sure to let you all know the link.

In addition to podcasts, here’s some more stuff that’s coming up for me…

I’m doing online training for members of the Copywriter Club Think Tank

Justin and I are going to do a live Zoom Call that will be open to the public. It’s slated for 11 am PST. We’re still finalizing the topic but it’s going to be something very tactical, where we’re dissecting our winning copy and all that good stuff. I’ll release details and the zoom link soon.

I’ll be at home in Vegas during Affiliate Summit West and have some dinners and meetings set up. I’m not going to be attending the show really, but if you’re coming to Vegas, let me know and we’ll see if we can find a time to get together.

There’s also a small chance I’m going to go to Nashville at the end of the month for Funnel Hacking Live.

I’ve never been to one of those events before, but we use Clickfunnels for Copy Accelerator, and since we did over a million dollars in revenue in our first year, we’re getting a two-comma award. It might be fun to go there and get it – but will depend on my schedule.

Then as of now, February is pretty quiet until the end of the month when we do our next Copy Accelerator Mastermind Event.

The dates for that are February 26 – 28 and it’s at the Venetian. I’m obviously PUMPED for this – especially because of how tactical we’re going to get, and because of how badass our lineup of speakers is. If you haven’t applied for a ticket yet, you can do so using this link.

Right after the Copy Accelerator event in February, things stay busy.

I’m doing a day-long workshop for one of Shanda Sumpter’s masterminds in San Diego (March 5th).

I’ll be teaching her mastermind members how to write a VSL from scratch. It should be really fun – especially because her audience is a bit different from my normal one. It’s primarily 6, 7, and 8 figure female entrepreneurs who are more brand-focused. I’d guess there will be somewhere between 130 and 150 members at this event – and I’m excited to get to work with them for the entire day.

Next, I’m presenting at The Copywriter Club IRL (March 11-13). It’s their big event in San Diego, and I’m really pumped to get to share some knowledge with all of the writers who will be there.

Then finally, Justin and I will be leading a copywriting breakout session at the Mimosa Mastermind in San Diego (March 30).

This event is happening the day before T&C and it’s going to be SICK. Amber and Brett, who run Mimosa Mastermind, have rented out a ridiculous mansion for the event.

In addition to Justin and I presented, the other speakers who are confirmed currently are Perry Belcher and Ron Lynch. I can’t wait to share the stage with Perry and Ron and learn from them as well.

Amber is supposed to get me a link to the event page this week, and as soon as she does I’ll make sure to shoot it out to everyone on my list too.

Then, after the month of March…

The next thing I have on my schedule is the Copy Summit in Florence, Italy (April 17-19).

This is a high-level mastermind for Italian Copywriters, and it’s being put on by Mattia Paganelli. I’ll be presenting for a couple of hours each day at this event, and there’s going to be a live translator while I speak. I’m really excited about this one as it should be a unique experience. It’s also one of the first times I’m being paid to go speak Internationally, so that’s pretty cool.

That’s about it for now…

There’s some other stuff in the works as well…

But I don’t want to get too far out into the future.

Once I send this email I’m going to probably catch up on work for an hour or so…

Then at 9:15 am PST…

Me, Justin, Blake, and Brooks are going to be meeting for an hour and a half to talk through logistics for our Copy Accelerator Event at the end of February.

It’s been really nice having our core team together this weekend, and I feel like we are getting a TON done…

And yesterday, I even had the thought that we should try and do an in-person weekend like this at least once a quarter…

Because no matter how great Zoom and Slack are…

There’s still nothing as good as in-person collaboration.

Oh, and speaking of in-person collaboration…

That same point definitely applies to our upcoming Copy Accelerator Mastermind as well.

I’m going to be in a lot of places in the next few months…

But if you really want to spend deep, quality, face-to-face time with me…

And if you want to get hands-on, in-person mentorship in creating high converting sales funnels that slay on cold traffic…

There’s no better opportunity to do that than in Vegas this February 26th – 28th.

So, with that being said…

I feel like I gotta add a link to where you can apply for a ticket one more time.

K, and that’s really it…

Hope you have an awesome day!


P.S. Wasn’t surprised by the 49ers win yesterday. I was a bit surprised by the Titans.

Today I like the Texans +10 and the Packers -4.5.

Who knows if I’m right, but it’s fun to share these things in my emails!

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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