On Impact, Mentorship, and Helping People Win…

The most rewarding thing I do in my career is helping others to win.🤗

Sounds cliché, but it’s true.

The fact that I get to have an impact on so many people’s lives is intoxicating…

It electrifies me and makes me feel alive. 🤩

Several months ago, a guy named Jeff shot me a Facebook message.

He lives in Kenya and told me he was studying copywriting. He also shared a screenshot of himself breaking down sales letters, along with a second screenshot of a lead he was working on.

I thought the copy he was working on was pretty good, so I offered him the chance to write something for me. He did a great job with it, so I had him write several more pieces. Then I started referring him to people. 👈

copywriting lessonsIn the months since we first connected, Jeff’s entire life has changed. He’s moved from a one-room place (bed, kitchen, desk in a corner) to a nice apartment. He’s helping to support his father. Things are good.

It’s not that I’m the only reason Jeff’s life has changed. He’s wildly talented. Brilliant. But the fact that I was able to help give him a start makes me feel super grateful. It reminds me of the people who gave me my start back in 2012. I love paying it forward.

Jeff is just one of many examples. 

Almost every week, I get messages from people who are starting to win…

Starting to see what is possible for them and their lives…

And it’s wildly inspiring.

Elijah, in Nigeria, is another guy. 

He just completed his first paid copy gig for a client. When Elijah originally added me on Facebook a few months ago, I was a bit wary. But he was persistent, and we’ve continued to talk and develop a relationship. I haven’t trained Elijah on copy at all – but I give him career advice and help motivate him when it’s needed, and the guy is on the road to a better life.

Then there’s Florian.

He’s a super young dude who lives in Germany and is starting his own health brand.  He messages me a few times a week, and I’ll give him advice.

Florian asks a ton of questions, and I don’t answer all of them because sometimes I’m too busy. But he doesn’t take it personally, he’ll just message me again with a new question. And for the most part, I help. I’m really excited to see what Florian will build in the months and years to come.

Those are just a few examples off the top of my head. In addition to these folks, we’ve got everyone in the Copy Accelerator Mastermind.

Here’s a partial list of some wins that members shared with me and Justin in the first week it launched:

copywriting lessons– One of our members lost 90% of his income when the lockdown started. But thanks to the mastermind, he’s now working on three separate client projects and has at least one highly lucrative retainer lined up.

– Another member was in a similar situation. He actually needed to pause his membership for a month. But we were able to help him find the right opportunities and he just recently had his best month ever. He said on the call, “if it wasn’t for this group, I’d be fucked.”

– Someone else who joined at our event in late February said that he’d been really worried in March about his income, too. But April was the best month he’s ever had income-wise, and 95% of it is because of Copy Accelerator.

– A member followed our advice about mailing his list more often and generated high 5-figures of earnings this month that he otherwise wouldn’t have gotten.

– Another member used RMBC for the first time on a VSL script and her boss LOVED it and said it was the best thing she’d ever written.

– Another member used RMBC to write a webinar for his offer last week, and it grossed him $24k in less than 7 days…

And then there’s Conor, from our Mastermind…

Who joined back in September.

He followed RMBC for a new dating offer…

Learned Media Buying from a fellow CA Member…

And went from being afraid of what the future would hold…

copywriting lessonsTo running an offer that’s doing 150+ sales per day and making him objectively rich.

And here's the thing, too…

Every single one of those wins from Copy Accelerator Members was shared with me in 5 days.

If I went back a few months…

This article would be 10,000 words long.

How f&$*ing cool is that?

What makes me happiest about everything I'm sharing…

Is seeing how I can have an impact on people who are at dramatically different places in their journey. 

Some of the folks are just starting out, and getting paid $300 for a sales letter is a big deal…

While for others, writing a few emails and grossing $90k in a single week is what they consider a win.

What I've realized…

Is that hearing about both types of “wins” give me the exact same feeling…

I get the same level of joy and pride when I hear someone made $300 as I do when I hear someone made $3MM….

Because it’s not about the money.

It’s about the fact that people are seeing what’s possible in their lives…

And that I’m blessed enough to be getting to play some kind of small role in making that happen.


copywriting lessonsP.S. I can’t help but feel a little cringey as I write this, like I’m being a braggart or something.

That’s not the intention though.

I just want to share what really, truly fires me up in life.

Knowing that I’m having an impact makes me feel really damn good…

And also, I’m hoping that by sharing some of these stories…

Maybe they’ll encourage you to:

1) Truly understand that winning in your life is possible too…


2) Take the time to be a mentor to someone else who could use your guidance.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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