Our Tribe, a Virtual Mastermind

Hey there!Ā šŸ˜Š

Just wanted to let you know about something cool that started. My good friends Emily Lark, Dee Braun, Ryan Alarid, and Clickbank all got together and started a free, invite-only, virtual mastermind called Our Tribe, that started in April. šŸ¤©

In the organizersā€™ words, this is a mastermind that will be:

ā€œCurated bi-weekly to keep growing together as digital marketers, especially during this time of social distancing.ā€Ā ā†”

copywriting and marketingA little background on each of the organizers:

Emily Lark is the owner of Back to Life, one of the most successful back pain relief offers on Clickban

k. Sheā€™s also an incredibly inspiring woman and an amazing entrepreneur.

Ryan AlaridĀ is one of the most connected and intelligent affiliate experts on the planet.

Dee Braun runs the affiliate program for Natural Health Sherpa, plus she also has one of the biggest hearts of anyone Iā€™ve ever met. Dee also runs one of the best direct response marketing Facebook groups, which has 774 members (pretty much everyone who is active in our industry is in that group).

And Clickbank is the largest marketplace and CRM for direct response offers in the world.

So, this is a great example of a group of industry rock stars coming together to serve others, and the reason Iā€™m sharing with you is because on the first call, I was one of the expert panelists, along with Justin Goff and Perry Belcher.

copywriting and marketingThe topic for the call was going to be loosely based around:

ā€œPandemic Profits: Donā€™t Just Survive, THRIVE During This Crisisā€ā€¦šŸ˜·

So we talked about what businesses, offers, and freelancers are doing right now to succeed during these trying times. In addition, we covered some tactical stuff, like how you can ethically adjust your copy and messaging, right now, to resonate with consumers during the pandemic.

There's no pitch at the end or anything like that, it's purely about giving value and all of us coming together.

You can watch the replay here


P.S. If you know someone who would find value in posts like this one, feel free to share. Also, they can apply to join my list using this link here.


Ā© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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