San Diego Mastermind & Thoughts

Good morning 🙂

As I was writing an email about a San Diego mastermind in November 2020, two thoughts really strike me.

The first is how much I love having a strong “network.” San Diego Mastermind & Thoughts

I’m constantly in awe of all the folks I’ve got in my universe…

And I feel so blessed to be able to bring brilliant people together in a collaborative environment where we all help each other to thrive. 🗼

And then the second thought I have is that I'm crazy thankful to be so diversified in my business and life.

This one might seem weird, but let me explain:

As a lot of you know…

I have a call center that does mid seven figures per year in revenue…🎧

I’m the co-owner of the Copy Accelerator Mastermind which has 250 members between our Full and LITE program…

I’ve got The RMBC Method, which is my copywriting course…

I occasionally do freelance projects for very high fees…

I’ve been the owner of various health supplement companies in the past that have grossed a combined 9 figures…

San Diego Mastermind & ThoughtsI get some royalties/commissions from various ventures…

Plus, I even own 5% of a Sports Agency with players in the NFL and MLB.

And the reason that I’m sharing this…

Is because thanks to all of those different ventures and their resulting income streams…

It gives me a TON of freedom to just pursue the kind of stuff I’m interested in.

There’s no pressure on me to monetize The Road to a Billion (my weekly call-in radio show style Podcast) – I can just do it and have cool guests…

And it also means I can do things while this mastermind from a purely altruistic place.

There weren’t any pitches at the MM on November 6th…

So, just from a mindset perspective, I think this is interesting…

Because for me personally at least…

At this stage in my life, I’m not super motivated by making boatloads of money…

But I am motivated by the things having money allows me to do.

It’s a subtle but big shift…

If I was just focused on putting more dollars into my bank account, I’d probably work 20% as hard as I do currently…

But knowing that I can run masterminds, share content, teach, interact, and change lives…

That’s why I get out of bed every morning between 4:30 am and 5:30 am with a smile on my face…

And why I can honestly say that I haven’t had a “bad day” in several years.

Anyways, just wanted to share…

And I hope you have a great day 🙂


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



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Stefan Georgi

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