These Offers Are Working So Far In 2020

I honestly didn’t know what I was going to write about today…

So, I’m just going to share what’s going on in my copywriting career with you 🙂

  • This morning I got a text from Nick Daniel saying that the new offer I did for Vshred/Sculpt Nation is looking really strong. That has me stoked. I can't say what the offer is because Nick wants time to be able to scale it and not get knocked off. But hopefully, you'll see it everywhere pretty soon 🙂
  • Then on Skype, I heard from my ex-business partner’s team that the Vision offer I did for them is starting to really take off. Stoked about that and excited for the royalties on this one, as they are not insignificant.
  • Cody and I have a weight loss offer that tested insanely well internally. Today is the first day we’ve had an external affiliate send for it and it’s looking great there. We also got a toned-down version to an FB Affiliate of ours and he’s seeing if he can get it approved. If he can, that’s going to be a tsunami of sales, so fingers crossed.
  • I heard from the Golden Hippo team that the sales letter I wrote for a new product is finally starting to get tested. This one was a pain in the butt because of the spokesperson involved (not Dr. Gundry but someone else). The fact that it’s finally seeing the light of day though is really exciting, so fingers-crossed there as well!
  • A friend of mine is running that Lift Factor offer on FB again. It was dormant for a while because I found the offer owner impossible to work with. My friend is now going direct with the offer owner so that the headache is gone. And the good news is that because I’m the one who connected them, my friend is giving me a second-tier affiliate comm on it (so I get a small CPA with each sale). Considering my friend is currently doing between 600-1,000 sales a day with this offer, I’m pretty pleased about that!
  • GS-85 volume is back up, which is great since my agency gets a commission on every sale.
  • The new promo I delivered to Lee Euler and Jeremey Hunsicker came out really strong. I got an email from Jeremey yesterday saying that they both loved it and think I’ve created a big winner. Only testing and data will say for certain, but I’ve got a good feeling. And what’s cool, is that the offer is loaded with nasty hooks, but I didn’t mention diabetes one time. Instead, it’s all about erratic blood sugar and glucose support, etc. So, the risk profile should be a lot lower than other offers in the space.
  • I’ve got several more offers I wrote, or am involved with, that are being rolled out over the next few weeks, and I’m excited to see how they do. I’ll report back on those and I’ll be honest if any of them tank or bomb too lol.

Hopefully, this doesn’t come across as a brag post…

But it’s important to celebrate the wins.

Especially in the world of freelance copywriting…

Which can be a bit of a rollercoaster, at times.

This morning, though…

I’m feeling a lot of optimism.

I’ve got a bunch of good stuff happening…

A bunch of things that are working…

And I’m excited, motivated, and grateful.

That’s about it for today.

Laura is up now, and I’m sure Eden will be getting up before long too.

We’re going to that hockey game later today (Go Knights, go!)…

Then having dinner at Twist.

Last night’s dinner was really nice as well…

And, I’m excited to spend an action-packed day with Laura and continue her birthday celebration.


P.S. A while back I shared a survey of all the offers I wrote in 2019 along with how they did. If you’re new to my blog and you want to read it, click here.

P.P.S. I think I'm going put a decent-sized bet on the Patriots today. They're -4 and while I don't think they are making the Super Bowl this year, I do think they're going to beat up the Titans. Let me know if you think I'm crazy.

P.P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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