I Always Fantasize About Refunding My Clients…

It’s confession time…🤔

And I think this will probably surprise you.

Ready for a secret?🤫

For virtually EVERY single sales letter I’ve written since 2012…

There’s always a point early on where I fantasize about refunding the client. 

That’s right…✅

I fantasize about giving them their money back and not having to write their letter.

It happened just this week.

I’m writing a letter for a client who I’ve worked with before…👨‍💻

It’s in a niche I’m super comfortable with…

And yet when I sat down to really make a dent in the offer on Wednesday…

I found myself falling into this old habit.

I Always Fantasize About Refunding My ClientsThe thought process went like this: 

“Well, I mean I don’t really need the money. And there are so many other things I could be doing. I’ve got the freelancer course coming soon. I want to build this publishing company. I need to do planning for our next Copy Accelerator event. I want to put out more content. So what if I just refund him? He won’t mind and then I won’t have to spend 15+ hours doing the work on this offer.”

Throughout my career, the reasons why I want to refund the client vary…

But inevitably, it happens a LOT.

The only exceptions I can think of are:

  1.  When I was doing all of that writing for the Lion’s Publishing guys back in 2014/2015…


2. When I’m writing for my own offers.

For the Lion’s guys, I think the reason I didn’t feel that way about refunding them is because it was the ONLY thing I was doing. I didn’t have any other businesses. My only job was to write sales letters – so that made it easier.

And when it comes to my own offers…

Well, you can’t refund yourself anyways LOL.

But regardless…

I Always Fantasize About Refunding My ClientsHere’s how I got through this feeling when it happened earlier this week… 

And maybe sharing this will help you too.

The first thing I did was to honor my feelings.

I recognized that this desire to refund my client was one that I virtually ALWAYS have…

So rather than fight it, I just said, “Okay, well of course I’m feeling this way.”

But then after that…

I thought about how every single time I have that feeling…

I end up moving forward and still writing the sales letter…

And inevitably, I end up really getting excited about whatever project I’m working on…

I actually enjoy the process (deeply)…

And once I’m finished, it never actually felt all that difficult or hard.

Doing that helped a lot…

Plus, in addition to what I just shared…

I also forced myself to just make a micro-commitment of 60 minutes working on the letter.

This was on Wednesday…

And even though I didn’t feel motivated to do anything for the letter…

Once I really committed to spending one single hour on the offer…

Something interesting happened:

I became significantly more relaxed.


Because now there was nothing else I was supposed to be doing.

I closed all my messaging applications, put my phone face down, shut down Facebook, and locked the office door…

And suddenly, I found myself experiencing this immense sense of calm.

Before long, it bordered on happiness…

Because I started thinking about how:

“What a nice break this is. I’m messaging and chatting and emailing all day long. I’ve got a million things going on. But for the next hour, all I have to do is focus on one thing, come up with ideas, and be creative.”

Once I framed it like that…

Once I allowed myself to enjoy the moment…

Guess what happened?

Everything started coming together. 

I came up with an awesome hook…

Ended up writing out the headline for it…

Wrote the lead (and it’s KILLER)…

And outlined the rest of the sales letter too (the structure mostly follows my Copy outline, but there are some differences for various reasons).

I Always Fantasize About Refunding My ClientsAnd just making that big dent in the copy, and knowing where it was going…

That made the task of completing it way less daunting.

In fact, just this morning, I sat down and worked on it for another hour or so.

I’m now 2,300 words into the letter…

And since Eden is going to be spending the day with her grandma…

I’m pretty sure I’ll finish the letter today…

Or worst case, tomorrow morning.

Turns out, writing it has been pretty easy…

I just had to get through those mental hang-ups first…

And given all of this…

It’s crazy to think that just three days ago…

I was fantasizing about giving a client their $50k back.

It seems silly, but that was the state I was in then…

Even though now, I’m super excited to finish the letter.

Anyway, I just wanted to share.

There’s a lot to unpack in this blog post, but I’ve gotta run in a second…

So let me just leave you with one final thought: 

I think the biggest reason I feel like I don’t want to write a sales letters…

Is because I don’t know what the end product is going to look like.

I Always Fantasize About Refunding My ClientsThat’s probably the #1 Reason that my RMBC Method for writing sales copy is so valuable…

Because if you actually follow each of the steps…

You’re FORCED to put the pieces together…

And the end-product starts coming into focus well before you’ve actually started writing.

Even for me though, there are times where I don’t want to use RMBC (and I’m the inventor of the f***ing method LOL)…

But I continue to find that whenever I don’t use it…

I get stuck, frustrated, and want to give up…

While whenever I do use it…

I work through my hang-ups fast…

And end up writing a killer letter as a result.

So if you’ve studied RMBC (or better yet, bought my course that trains you in it)…

Let this blog post also serve as a reminder to really use this method…

Because I promise, it’ll make your life 10x easier than if you don’t.



P.S. I didn’t write this blog post to be a plug for RMBC, but since I ended up talking about it, let me go ahead and link to the sales letter for it so you can check it out 🙂

Here it is.

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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