I Love Selena Gomez

I Love Selena Gomez

Laura is going to KILL me for this subject lineĀ šŸ˜‚

So, before I officially cement my place in the guestroom for the next few nightsā€¦

Let me go ahead and explain what I mean.Ā 

Itā€™s no secret betweenĀ my wife and me thatĀ Selena Gomez is one of my celebrity crushesā€¦

And occasionally, sheā€™ll come up in conversationā€¦ or Iā€™ll see her in a movieā€¦ or hear one of her songsā€¦

And Iā€™ll tease LauraĀ about how in love I am with Selena.Ā 

Of course, Iā€™m not actually inĀ loveĀ with Selena Gomezā€¦

Itā€™s just fun to tease Lauraā€¦

And I do think Selena is very talented.Ā 

So anywayā€¦

This morning, as I was drinking my coffee and reading the Wall Street Journalā€¦

I came across an article titled, ā€œThe Ballad of Selena Gomez.ā€Ā 

Itā€™s a long piece about Selena and the thingsĀ sheā€™s been throughā€¦

And it had a lot ofĀ stuffĀ about her that I didnā€™t know.Ā 

For example, I remember hearing that she had lupus for a whileā€¦

But I didnā€™t know that it developed into a more serious condition that required her to get a kidney transplant in 2017. Or that there was a complication during the surgery and it ended up lasting 9 hours and she almost died.Ā 

I also didnā€™t know that Selena has suffered from various mental health issues,Ā including anxiety and depression. Or that sheā€™s seen numerous therapists and gone to multiple in-patient treatment facilities for these issues. I was especially surprised when she said: ā€œI got on the right medication, and my life has completely changed.ā€Ā 

Iā€™ve dealt with depression (never super severe) at various times in my life too, so I could relate to thatā€¦.

But, what really resonated with me is the part about getting onĀ the right medication.Ā 

In November of 2018, I got re-diagnosed with ADD and decided to go on Adderall. It was a big and difficult decision for me ā€“ because I really try not to take ā€œdrugs.ā€ But it has absolutely and utterly changed my life. Iā€™m on a relatively small dosage, but itā€™s made a night and day difference. Iā€™m more pleasant to be around, more attentive with my family, and have dramatically less social anxiety.

I need to write a whole article about my ADD in the future. But the point is, when I read that quote about medications from Selena, I totally got it.Ā 

Also, while I knew Selena had a lot of Instagram followers,Ā I didnā€™t realize sheā€™d taken a year-and-a-half break at one point because: ā€œIā€™d rather stay away from anything thatā€™s going to make me feel like shit.ā€Ā 

And I found it interesting that Selenaā€™s not religious in the traditional sense,Ā but does say of her spirituality that, ā€œitā€™s about my faith and connection to God.ā€ Thatā€™s how I approach spirituality too: I donā€™t go to Church, but I do cultivate a personal connection with God.Ā Ā 

Oh, and finallyā€¦

I liked hearing how Selena needs alone time,Ā ideally a few hours each day, to fully recharge. Personally, Iā€™m probably about 55% introvert, 45% extrovert. So Iā€™m fine in social situations (especially now that my ADD is better managed), but itā€™s also very important that I get some downtime each day.Ā 

Okay, so whatā€™s myĀ point?Ā Ā 

Well, as I was reading this article about Selena Gomezā€¦

And learning all of these things about herā€¦

I found myself thinking, ā€œman, I love Selena Gomez!ā€Ā 

But I didnā€™t mean this in a romantic way.

Or even in the sense that I was attracted to her.

She just seems really coolā€¦

Like a badassā€¦

Like someone, I could admire,Ā because sheā€™s gone through a lot and has a unique perspective on thingsā€¦

She seemed like someone I could relate to.Ā Ā 

Now, hereā€™s the part where I wave my magic wand andĀ tie this all back toĀ marketing and copy.

This article about Selena Gomez, and my response to itā€¦

Reminds me yet again of why personal stories are so effective in our copy and marketing.Ā 

Getting personal and vulnerableā€¦

Being authentic and honestā€¦

This is what allows our audience to truly become connected to us.Ā 

If we tell our story wellā€¦

Then the reader will see parts of themselves in usā€¦

Which, in turn, makes them feel less alone.Ā 

Thatā€™s a powerful thingā€¦

And when your audience truly feels understoodā€¦

It becomes so much easier forĀ themĀ toĀ want to take action.

In fact, theyā€™llĀ wantĀ to take actionā€¦

You donā€™t even have to ask them ā€“ they do it proactively because they like you.Ā 

For me personallyā€¦

When I read this Wall Street Journal articleā€¦

It made me want to listen to Selena Gomezā€™s new album.Ā 

Normally I would never do that sinceĀ I donā€™t really listen to pop albumsā€¦

But now that Iā€™ve read about Selenaā€™s experiencesā€¦ā€¦

And learned the stories behind some of her new songsā€¦

I probably will put her album on at some point todayā€¦

Because now Iā€™m curious and feel connected to her story.Ā 

And, make no mistakeĀ aboutĀ itā€¦

Thatā€™s really what the point of this Wall Street Journal article was, to begin with.

It was to present Selena in a certain lightā€¦

And to expose her to an audience beyond her core demographicā€¦

With the goal being that people would read this article and find Selena interestingā€¦

And then go stream her musicā€¦ or attend a concertā€¦ or watch one of her moviesā€¦ or engage with her in some way.Ā Ā 

For me personally, at least, theĀ articleĀ was effectiveā€¦

But there was never any call-to-action in the articleā€¦

Nothing that said: ā€œClick Here to Listen To the New Album NOWā€ā€¦

And truthfully, there didnā€™t need to beā€¦Ā 

Because now that I know about Selena and her storyā€¦

Itā€™s easy for me to want to support her.Ā 

Iā€™m going to be wrapping this up here in a secondā€¦

But the last point I want to makeā€¦

Is that this whole experience Iā€™ve describedā€¦

Of reading Selenaā€™s storyā€¦

Feeling more connected to herā€¦

Then wanting to take an actionā€¦

It goes back to a concept I posted about a while ago in the Justin and Stefan Talk Copy Facebook Groupā€¦

Something I refer to as Emotional Response Marketing (ERM).Ā 

This is marketing where, instead of getting people to take an external action (aka click here)ā€¦

Weā€™re focused on getting them to have an internal reaction (a feeling).Ā 

It can be hard for Direct Response Marketers to believe that feelings can be more important than clicksā€¦

Yet I would argue that the former is much more valuable over time.

Because when itā€™s done rightā€¦

It leads to people taking an action not just onceā€¦

But over-and-over-and-over again.Ā 

Iā€™ll write more about ERM in the futureā€¦

But wanted to make a note about it here as well.

Okay, other than that, time to jump into my day.Ā 

Doing some copy tweaks for the next hourā€¦

Then I have some meetings with members of myĀ call centerā€¦

And then this afternoon, Iā€™m going to be spending some time working on my RMBC Courseā€¦

Which launched at the end of April.

Hope you all have a great day šŸ™‚


ā€“ SPG

P.S.Ā Lauraā€™s celebrity crush has been Leonardo DiCaprio since she was 13 years old and saw Titanic.

In addition to Leo,Ā she also likes James Franco.

And then on the flip side, sheā€™s also intoĀ pro-wrestler looking guys with long hair and unshaven faces.Ā 

Itā€™s quite the contrastā€¦

But, the point is that all of her crushes look NOTHING like meĀ at allā€¦

Which is another thing I frequently enjoy teasing her about.

P.P.S.Ā This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my listĀ using this link.


Ā© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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