It’s All About Speed (From $0 To $20MM In Under A Year)

You know what I love about the digital marketing industry?

It's all about speed.🏇

Think about it…

In a traditional “job” you pay your dues year-after-year…

And yet the typical average annual salary increase an employee can expect to make is 4.6%.

So if you make $4,000 a month this year…🤔

If you grind your ass off, pay all of your dues, and are a good little worker bee…

You might get up to $4,184 a month.

Oh boy! 😱

Contrast that with a career as a freelance copywriter. 

Maybe you start out charging $150 or $200 a project…

And it leads to you earning $2,000 per month.

If you work hard…

Obsessively study your craft over a year…

And also focus on building your network, attending events, being active in online groups…

It's very possible to be charging $1,000 to $2,000 for the same projects at the end of 365 days…

And making $10,000 – $15,000 per month.

It’s All About SpeedThat's like giving yourself a raise of 500% or more…

Compared to the 4.6% raise you get with a corporate job…

And unlike with a corporate job…

YOU are the one who's in control of your own destiny…

Rather than some random manager or boss who has their own arbitrary prejudices and opinions about you and the way the world should work.

Pretty crazy, right?

And it's the same thing when it comes to starting and scaling a business.

If you open up a brand-new retail store…

It's going to cost you tens-of-thousands of dollars…

And you're almost certainly not going to make all that much money.

PayScale says that as of 2018, the average retail store owner will make $51,000 per year, per location…

And that's at pretty crappy margins…

Because typical pre-tax profit margins for “offline” stores range from 2%-7%.

It’s All About SpeedCompare that to opening up an eComm store selling supplements, pet products, unique clothing, or something else…

You can launch virtually any eComm business for less than $5,000…

Yet if you have good sales copy and a good funnel in place…

And know how to leverage the power of affiliates…

It's entirely possible to gross $1MM…$20MM…even $50MM in your very first year…

At profit margins of 20% or higher (really they're often 40%).

That's why eCommerce and Digital Marketing have revolutionized the field of entrepreneurship so much…

There has NEVER been a more level playing field than there is today…

And thanks to the internet and the digital infrastructure that exists…

You don't have to be patient anymore.

Today it's all about speed…

And YOU are the one who controls the timeline to your success and abundance.

So yeah, I wanted to share this with you…

And if you want to talk more about all of this with me…

Make sure you join me when I record the next episode of my “call-in” radio show The Road to a Billion. 

I record episodes weekly on Thursdays at 10 am PST…

We do it via a Zoom webinar…

And the way the format works…

Is that I do an opening monologue…

Then we move to Q&As…

And anyone on the webinar can ask me questions that are on their minds. 

So if you want to know about making more money as a freelancer…

Or scaling a funnel…

Or how to write better copy…

Or how to deal with a difficult client…

Or the best way to destroy your imposter syndrome…

Or anything else for that matter…

Make sure you jump on one of the calls on Thursdays at 10 am PST.

I don't just give 30-second “surface level” answers…

It’s All About SpeedI go DEEP…

When you ask a question, we talk through them together…

And often, I spend 5+ minutes chatting with each person.

So this is basically like you're getting a $25,000 consulting session with me…

For absolutely free.

Here's the link to register and attend

And hopefully, I'll see you at one of the webinars. 🙂


P.S. The fact that you can rapidly scale is also the reason mindset is so important.

It's ENTIRELY possible to go from $0 to $15,000 per month as a freelancer in your first year…

And it's also ENTIRELY possible to go from $0 to $20MM in sales for your business in your first year.

But if you've been conditioned your whole life to think you've got to go slow-and-steady…

It's going to make it hard.

Lots of people try and self-sabotage themselves…

They think, “It can't be this easy. I must be doing something bad…”

And a whole lot of extra mental baggage and junk gets thrown into the mix.

That's why I talk about mindset a lot…

And it's another thing that gets covered during the weekly recordings of my call-in show as well!

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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Want to peek inside the mind of one of the world’s most successful copywriters?

My private email list is where I spill all of my secrets. The tricks and tactics that allow me to create winning sales copy time-and-time-again.

The lessons I've learned while building numerous multi-million-dollar companies. The mindset hacks that allow me to perform at an ultra-high-level day-after-day.