Your Life Is A Garden, Pull Out The Weeds (Lessons From Billionaires)

Good Morning 🙂

During a previous inter-state drive (which is about 5 hours including a pit stop for my daughter to stretch out) we listened to some episodes of the Tim Ferriss show…🎧

Specifically, his interview with comedian Kevin Hart, and his interview with John Paul DeJoria (the billionaire founder of Paul Mitchel and Patron). 🎤

One thing that struck me while listening to both of these interviews is that both men shared some common habits and attitudes…

And when I had the chance to interact with Magic Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, Kris Jenner, and some other high performers last November…

I noticed that those folks had the same habits and attitudes too.

So what are they?

1) Waking Up Early

Magic Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Hart, and Kris Jenner all talk about how they wake up before 6 am…☀

And all four of them then work out first thing in the morning.🏋‍♂

When I listened to Bob Iger’s interview with Tim Ferriss a few months back – he talked about the exact same thing…

And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most successful people wake up early.

For me personally, I’ve always been a morning person…

But I used to wake up at 7 am or 7:30 am pretty regularly.

copywritingThese days I usually wake up around 5:30 am…

And while an extra 1.5 to 2 hours in the morning may not seem like a ton…

It’s been a massive game-changer for me.

I’m calmer, I’m happier, and I get more done.

I also have the chance to read books…

Go for a nice long walk (typically 2.5-4 miles)…

Catch up on emails and messages…

Or to just sit down and do some deep, high-level thinking.

copywriting2. Fall in love with saying, “No.”

This one was something that both Kevin Hart and John Paul DeJoria talked about at length.

And it was funny to hear the enthusiasm with which they described their abilities to say, “No.”

Why were they so excited about this?

Because saying it feels difficult.

It’s so much easier to say, “Yeah!” to avoid short-term conflict…

But the lesson you learn over time…

Is that while saying, “Yes” is easier in the moment…

It’s much harder in the long-term…

Because you overcommit, overextend, and create stress and anxiety in your life.

So try it out – say “No” more often…

And when you do say “Yes”…

Make sure it’s something you can fully commit to.

3. Your life is a garden – so pull out the weeds. 

I just thought of this phrasing, though I’m sure someone else has used it before me…

But I think it’s apt.

What I’m referring to specifically here…

Is the fact that when it comes to your life…

There’s no time or room for negative people. 

That’s something both Kevin Hart and John Paul DeJoria talked about…

And it’s something I swear by too.

It’s simple: you are the product of the people you surround yourself with…

If you surround yourself with negative, needy, complaining people (the weeds)…

Then you (your garden) will never fully bloom and flourish.

So pull out the weeds.

copywriting[Just one more thought on this last one. Virtually every person I’ve met in my life who had a lot of potential, but who never fully realized it, had a lot of weeds in their lives. In some cases, I begged them to tend to their garden, but it was too hard for them. I get it, it is hard. But those people are still struggling and still haven’t gotten to where they want in their life. And also – this same metaphor can of course be applied to your mental weeds too – all the baggage and hang-ups from your childhood and past.]

Those are just a few of the thoughts that come to mind after listening to those podcast episodes, and I wanted to share.



P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.



© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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