Teaching RMBC to Beginners

Good Morning 👋

I’ll be keeping this one pretty short…

Because I’m doing an all-day workshop at Shanda Sumpter’s Marketing Mastery event today.

It starts at 9 am, and we probably won't be done until close to 5 pm.

And during this time, I'll be helping entrepreneurs to write a sales letter from scratch. 👨‍🏫

I'm pretty sure that about half the people today will have never even seen a sales letter before…

So I’ve got my work cut out for me LOL.

copywriting lessonsThe way I’m going to approach this…

Is first I’m going to share some examples of sales letters with the attendees…

That way they can get some context for what a sales letter really is.

Then, I’m going to walk them through my RMBC Method step-by-step. 👇

And honestly, that’s about it.

Which sounds like it might be kind of simple…

But that’s the whole point of RMBC…

It demystifies the entire process quite a bit.

So we’ll start with Research…

I’ll workshop the Mechanism with them…

Give them about 45 minutes to complete their Brief…

And we’ll spend roughly an hour and a half going over the sales letter outline then starting on their Copy.

The attendees probably won’t finish writing their whole sales letter today…

But my goal is that, by the time they leave, they know exactly what they need to do…

And can knock their letter out within the next few days.

copywriting lessonsK, like I said, had to keep this one short. I’m currently at an Air BNB in North County San Diego…

And Shanda’s event is in Coronado…

So depending on traffic, it’ll be about an hour drive to get there…

And I don’t want to be late!


P.S. One cool thing to note. I've got Jude Charles out here with me today. As I mentioned previously, Jude is a very talented documentary filmmaker. We're doing a whole docuseries on the RMBC Method, mindset, etc.

Jude filmed extensively at Copy Accelerator, and he's also filming me at various events in March where I'm speaking or training. In the next month or so, that content will start trickling out, and I'm really excited to share it with you!

P.P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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