Treat Your Time Like A Rich Person

I got pissed off one week.Ā šŸ˜”

Iā€™m talking becoming visibly angryā€¦Treat Your Time Like A Rich Person

Which rarely happensā€¦

So let me go ahead and share the context:

I have a 3-year lease on my Porsche Panamera 4sā€¦Treat Your Time Like A Rich Person

And Iā€™m now in the final year of the leaseā€¦

So a few months back, I started getting emails from one of the guys at the dealership inviting me to come to swap out my lease.

In other words, they said I could return my Porsche early, and exchange it for a new one.

This is pretty common with dealershipsā€¦

And in my case, I realized taking advantage of this lease swap could actually work out pretty well in my favor.Ā šŸ‘Œ

Treat Your Time Like A Rich PersonHereā€™s why:Ā 

The dealership told me Iā€™d be able to swap my lease for any Porscheā€¦

It didnā€™t have to be the same model I currently had or a more expensive one.

The timing on this was really goodā€¦

Because the 3-year lease on our ā€œfamily car,ā€ which is a Jeep Grand Cherokee expires December 1stā€¦

And we wanted to get a new family car when the lease expires.

So I did the math and realized:

The Jeep Lease = $600 a month

My Panamera Lease = $2,400 per monthā€¦

But the lease for an SUV like the Macan S or even a Cayenne would have cost me between $800 and $1,000 per monthā€¦

So by the lease ending on our Jeep + swapping my Panamera for a Macanā€¦

I could save roughly $2k per monthā€¦

Which is pretty nifty.

And hence why I was down to go visit the dealershipā€¦

Which I did on Tuesday of last week.

Now before visiting the dealershipā€¦

Treat Your Time Like A Rich PersonMy assistant Julia had been in contact with one of the reps thereā€¦

And he was sending her specific cars we might be interested in viewingā€¦

One of which was a Cayenne S and the other was a Macan S.

So we got to the dealership on Tuesday and took the Cayenne S for a test driveā€¦

But then when it was time to test drive the Macan S, the guy went to the back and then returned empty-handed.

ā€œOh, itā€™s actually not ready yet. Itā€™ll probably be ready tomorrow for you to drive.ā€

So that was really annoyingā€¦

Since it meant an extra trip to the dealership and more of my time.

Still though, I was willing to forgive the guy for this singular transgressionā€¦

Since, after all, we were going to be saving some serious money.

And when we returned to the dealership on Wednesday afternoon, things started out ā€œok.ā€

The representative had the Macan detailed and ready for us to driveā€¦

And so Laura and I took it out for a spin.

When we got back though, I still wasnā€™t 100% sure if I wanted to trade in my Panamera or notā€¦

But I told the guy to at least pull the numbers on the new lease for me, so I could look at the exact savings Iā€™d be enjoyingā€¦

And then while he was doing thatā€¦

Of course, Laura and I started looking at this Cayenne GTS Coupe, which cost MORE than my Panamera did (LOL)ā€¦

But it was really sick, so I was starting to talk myself into just leasing that insteadā€¦

And I even asked our rep to grab the keys so I could take it on a test drive.

Well, the rep disappears for a minuteā€¦

But when he comes back, heā€™s with his manager.

And the manager drops a bombshell on me:

ā€œOh yeah, when I emailed you, you had 12 months on your lease, so I was able to let you swap it. But for Porscheā€™s October Program, now youā€™ll have to wait until 6 months left before you can swap your lease. What we can do is just roll up the final year of your Panamera lease into a new lease!ā€

Treat Your Time Like A Rich PersonWhen he said this, I f***ing lost it.

I could feel my heart rate increase and my face got flushā€¦

And I basically said:

ā€œThe first time we came here, you guys said weā€™d be able to drive both cars. But one wasnā€™t ready so we had to come back. So we came back today, and I just test drove another car. And was about to drive a third, and NOW youā€™re telling us about this? You just wasted my time TWICE. Several hours, and my time is way to -expletive- valuable for this -expletive-. Iā€™m just going to lease a Bentayga in a year. Come on Laura, letā€™s -expletive go. Iā€™ll see you in 11 months when Iā€™m returning my Panamera and no longer drive any -expletive- Porsches.ā€

Now I didnā€™t cuss directly at the guy because Iā€™m not an a-hole, but yeah I was cussingā€¦

And with that, we stormed out the door.

So, why am I sharing all of this with you?

Trust me, I know some folks are going to read this and go, ā€œRich people problems!ā€ā€¦

And thatā€™s exactly right!

This is indeed a rich person problemā€¦

But, the reason I think itā€™s worth sharingā€¦

Is because having now reflected on this experience for nearly a weekā€¦

Iā€™m actually super happy that I got so pissed at these clowns at the dealership for wasting my time.


It shows that I really value my time a tremendous amount.

Total, this whole experience at the dealership probably took about 3.5 hours of my timeā€¦

But guess what, thatā€™s a freaking ETERNITY in my world.

Treat Your Time Like A Rich PersonIn 3.5 hours I could have knocked out one of the stages of RMBC for a letter Iā€™m writingā€¦

I could create content for my personal brand that leads to 6 figures or more in revenueā€¦

I could be building communities, engaging, and mentoringā€¦

Or I could be spending quality time with my incredible daughter ā€“ time that Iā€™ll never get back because sheā€™ll only be in this adorable toddler stage for a little while longer.

So the cardinal sin the guys at the dealership madeā€¦

Was to not value my time.

In fact, they wasted itā€¦

And thatā€™s unforgivable because wasted time is the one asset we can never get back.

Hell, steal $3,000 from me and Iā€™ll be mad, but Iā€™ll get over it in 30 seconds…

But steal 3 hours of my time, and Iā€™m still fuming about it a week later.

So when it comes to youā€¦

My advice is to treat your time like a rich person tooā€¦

Regardless if you are richā€¦

Or youā€™re broke AF right now, but youā€™re working on it.

Youā€™ll find that the more you guard your timeā€¦the more strategic you are with itā€¦the better you utilize itā€¦

The more rapidly youā€™ll tend to succeed in whatever venture it is your pursuing.

Itā€™s not an absolute, immutable law of the universeā€¦

But itā€™s pretty damn closeā€¦

So yeah, treat your time like a rich personā€¦

And youā€™ll probably be surprised by how quickly your financial circumstances improve.


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link.


Ā© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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