A Short Post on Mindset

Literally, every time I hang out with other high-level entrepreneurs, we talk about mindset.

It’s kind of amazing…

I was at dinner with two local entrepreneurs recently, and within an hour, the conversation shifted to mindset…

And then that’s all we really talked about for the remainder of our meal.

It’s interesting how much entrepreneurs light up whenever we turn to this subject…😊

It’s like we’re members of some secret club that “gets it” while the rest of the world doesn’t…

It makes us feel bonded to one another…🤗

And we know it’s the real key to most of our success.👌

We always end up talking about how much we wish other people could just “get it,” too…

But we ​​​​acknowledge that mental blocks or garbage programming usually can’t be removed with the wave of a wand…

It takes time and work…

And yet…

There’s the whole adage of: “if it was easy, everyone would be doing it”…

That’s true of becoming a millionaire, launching a business, or just being the best version of yourself…

And even though accomplishing these things may not be easy or automatic…

That certainly doesn't mean they're not worthwhile. ​​

You’ve got to wonder:

If every successful person you know says that mindset is so important…

Then is it perhaps worthwhile to invest some time and money to find out if they are right?

I’m talking about hiring a mindset coach, getting therapy, reading books, or doing whatever it is that works for you.

If you feel stuck right now, and you’re not getting the outcomes you want…

Then maybe it’s time to take some small step in a different direction, right?🤔

After all, there’s the cliché but true phrase:

​​Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

You know it’s true…🤷‍♂️

So if you are stuck, plateaued, or unhappy…

It means something’s gotta change in your life, right?

Or, if you’re unwilling to try new actions or be open to new ideas…

Well, then that’s on you…

And you can’t expect anyone to feel sorry for your ass.


P.S. This post originally came from an email I sent to my private list. If you want to see more stuff like this from me, you can apply to join my list using this link


© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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