Here’s my 7-Step Checklist to Writing Better Headlines…

Here’s my 7-Step Checklist to Writing Better Headlines…

Good morning! 😊 I have to keep this one quick because I woke up late (6:30 am)… Spent an hour or so reading newspapers…📰 And now it's almost 8 am, and I need to get up my daughter in a second. So, since I don’t have time to really expound about something… How about...
Some Really Good Advice That a Lot of You Will Hate

Some Really Good Advice That a Lot of You Will Hate

Yo! 👋 I chatted with Brennan Hopkins about his series “Coronatined with a Copywriter.” It was a fun and wide-ranging conversation, but, in my opinion, one of the most important takeaways from it was a piece of advice I gave to copywriters which was that when it comes...
A Little Monday Motivation…

A Little Monday Motivation…

Good morning 🙂 I am writing this from my home in Las Vegas. I was debating between going to my office today (it’s closed, but as the owner I obviously have access) or staying home… But I think staying home is going to win out. I don’t really have a topic to write...
I’m Going to Triple Conversions on This Offer

I’m Going to Triple Conversions on This Offer

Good morning,😊 I have to keep this one pretty short. I spent the entire morning reworking a sales letter for a skin offer, and now, I only have a couple of minutes until I need to get my daughter up to start the day.🕑 So, in today’s blog post, I just want to reiterate...


I may have talked about this before, I’m not sure… But I’m gonna talk about it in today’s blog post anyways. Response-ability is a concept I first saw from Stephen Covey who wrote the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People… And it’s the premise that, while we can’t...
Thank God for This Lockdown

Thank God for This Lockdown

Prior to this entire lockdown, I was really busy. There were the buildup and preparation for the Copy Accelerator live event in Las Vegas. Which, for me, started on a Tuesday beforehand, with arriving at the hotel and doing a dry run, and didn’t end until Saturday...
Our Tribe, a Virtual Mastermind

Our Tribe, a Virtual Mastermind

Hey there! 😊 Just wanted to let you know about something cool that started. My good friends Emily Lark, Dee Braun, Ryan Alarid, and Clickbank all got together and started a free, invite-only, virtual mastermind called Our Tribe, that started in April. 🤩 In the...
Why Not Charging People Is Selfish

Why Not Charging People Is Selfish

A few weeks back I spent the day teaching copywriting at Shanda Sumpter’s Marketing Mastery Event… And I had an interesting conversation with one of the attendees. He helps people to embrace grief after suffering a severe loss…🤝 And one of the things he mentioned is...
How I’m Planning for The Worst…

How I’m Planning for The Worst…

Good morning 🙂 The topic of this blog post is all about how I think COVID-19 may affect the economy and my businesses over the next 12-18 months… Along with what I'm doing now to prepare for the worst. Obviously, the best case scenario here… Is that all of the...
Work with Clients? This One Piece of Advice Will Change Your Life…

Work with Clients? This One Piece of Advice Will Change Your Life…

Hey, What I’m going to share inside this blog post will change at least one person’s life. It could even change several hundred people’s lives… But, it will all come down to who implements it vs. who ignores it. I’m serious. And here’s what this advice is: 👇 If you’re...
© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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