Stress is a good thing?

Stress is a good thing?

Recently I’ve been reading a book called “Lifespan – Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To.”🤓 The book is written by David Sinclair, PhD, a Harvard Geneticist who is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on aging…📖 And while the book is fascinating for a...
Don’t be Paul Bunyan with his axe

Don’t be Paul Bunyan with his axe

Remember when Napster was supposed to kill the music industry?🎼 Some of you on my list might be too young… But most of you know what I’m talking about. It wasn’t that long ago that digital music was seen as this insanely disruptive technology and also a big threat.👀...
High Intensity Interval Training:  It’s Not Just for Fitness

High Intensity Interval Training: It’s Not Just for Fitness

I had a long travel day a while back, and I needed the time to work. I told myself that I would work non-stop all day to get caught up. I pulled out my laptop at the airport but got sidetracked by a news website and social media page. Then, there was the people...
If you’re not growing, you’re dying

If you’re not growing, you’re dying

I enjoy taking risks.😊 Not just in some weird “let’s go skydiving, bro!” type way…🤔 But also when it comes to business.🧑‍💻 The reason why is simple: I’d rather be growing and evolving than stagnant and dying… And in order to grow, you generally need to try new things…...
Freelancers keep f—ing this up

Freelancers keep f—ing this up

Here's a really simple but valuable tip for freelancers…🧑‍💻 When sending your client the deliverable, your email should usually be three sentences long (or less). “Hey Client, As promised, here's the new ____________. I'm super happy with how it turned...
Stop writing “Ads” and start writing conversations.

Stop writing “Ads” and start writing conversations.

One of the most common mistakes I see writers making is crafting copy that sounds like an “ad.” It’s super common, and while it happens more frequently with new copywriters, even more experienced writers sometimes fall into the trap. Sometimes I call the voice these...
Copywriters: How do you overcome writer’s block?

Copywriters: How do you overcome writer’s block?

We’ve all been there. Our brain’s on empty, and the words just won’t flow.  We asked fellow copywriters to share how they move beyond the dreaded writer’s block.  Read on to learn more and check out the The RMBC Method, a proven framework for writing better copy,...
What a 22-year-old ball player can teach you about greatness

What a 22-year-old ball player can teach you about greatness

Okay, so I LOVE baseball.❤️ It’s by far my favorite sport, and it helps that my childhood team the San Diego Padres are actually very good these days… And they’re expected to be good for the next 5+ years.👌 Hell. Yeah.😎 Now a big part of why The Padres are so good is...
Just start writing

Just start writing

As you may know, I recently partnered with a health supplement company doing around $50MM a year…🤝 And my goal is to take them to 9 figures as fast as possible.🎯 The first offer I worked on for the JV is a gut product. I followed RMBC…👌 Did my research, come up with a...
My 3 criteria for writing a great unique mechanism

My 3 criteria for writing a great unique mechanism

When writing sales copy, keep your mechanisms as simple as possible (without losing the parts that make the mechanism unique).🧐 My criteria for a good unique mechanism are: 👇 1. It’s easily digestible and transferable. A good mechanism is like a meme. It’s something...
© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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