Ever Think About Your Mentor’s Mentor?

Ever Think About Your Mentor’s Mentor?

Phil Jackson is widely regarded as one of the 10 best coaches in NBA history… And with good reason. Jackson led the Chicago Bulls to 6 championships in a nine-year period. Then, he went to the L.A. Lakers…🏈 And led them to five more championships in an eleven-year...
The Scapegoat Free Life

The Scapegoat Free Life

Good morning 🙂 There are at least three topics I’m considering writing books on in 2020… 1. Copywriting 📇 2. Freelancing 👨‍💻 3. Mindset.      💡 To be completely honest, the copywriting book is the one I’m least enthusiastic about.  The reason why is pretty...
Why You Should Be More Like Krishna

Why You Should Be More Like Krishna

Hey there… Hope your week is off to a great start! I had an email come in the other day…📧 And I found it so interesting that I pivoted today’s topic at the last second. The email was from Krishna… An 18-year-old aspiring copywriter who lives in India.📇 I connected...
He said I’m “Doing God’s Work”

He said I’m “Doing God’s Work”

A while back, my friend, Ed Reay, said something to me that really stuck out… Which was that I’m “doing God’s work.”  😇 Now, I don’t think Ed meant this in a strictly religious sense… Rather, he was talking about the passion and fervor I bring to teaching, coaching,...
A Weird “Success Habit” I’ve Had Since I Was Young…

A Weird “Success Habit” I’ve Had Since I Was Young…

I fell in love with football when I was in 4th grade…🏈 And I really wanted to play Pop Warner, but my mom wouldn’t let me. Finally, in 7th grade, I could play Flag Football at my school… It was the most exciting thing ever for me then. 🤩 The team consisted primarily...
What Have You Been Putting Off?

What Have You Been Putting Off?

I really love my home office…👨‍💻 But, I do have one issue with the way it’s set up… Which is that, while there are two bookcases…📦 There’s nowhere to sit and read. 📖 This might not sound like a big deal… But, for the longest time… I’ve found that nearly every day I...
The Surprising Link Between Surrender and Leverage…

The Surprising Link Between Surrender and Leverage…

Hey there 🙂 Today, I want to share one of the biggest secrets to creating leverage in your business and life… Are you ready for it? It’s surrender.  Weird thing to write, I know. In fact, I feel uncomfortable saying it… Because I tend to believe that if you work hard...
A Big Secret About How I Write Copy…

A Big Secret About How I Write Copy…

Here’s a big secret about the way I approach copy…🤫 I RARELY write the lead first.✍ I’d say about 90% of the time, the lead is actually the last thing I do. Why? A lot of it has to do with my copywriting process… AKA, my RMBC Method. In case you haven’t seen it, the...
He Was Always Drunk, Often Wrong, and History Reveres Him…

He Was Always Drunk, Often Wrong, and History Reveres Him…

I recently read a biography of Winston Churchill called The Last Lion. 📜 I really enjoyed the book…📖 But, perhaps the most interesting takeaway I had… Is that Winston Churchill was wrong a LOT of the time.❌ He proceeded over multiple cringeworthy political and...
On Impact, Mentorship, and Helping People Win…

On Impact, Mentorship, and Helping People Win…

The most rewarding thing I do in my career is helping others to win.🤗 Sounds cliché, but it’s true. The fact that I get to have an impact on so many people’s lives is intoxicating… It electrifies me and makes me feel alive. 🤩 Several months ago, a guy named Jeff shot...
© 2022 SPG Educational Resources LLC
Stefan Georgi

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